Inspirational Quotes
Are there memories left that are safe from the clutches of phony anniversaries?
Pope Paul VI
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Pope Paul VI
Age: 80 †
Born: 1897
Born: September 26
Died: 1978
Died: August 6
Roman Catholic Priest
Concesio (Italy)
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini
Giovanni Battista Montini
Pope Paul VI
papa Paolo VI
Jan Baptist Montini
Paul VI. Papst
Papa Pablo VI
pape Paul VI
Paulus VI
Saint Paul VI
Sanctus Paulus PP. VI
More quotes by Pope Paul VI
The freedom or immunity from coercion in matters religious, which is the endowment of persons as individuals, is also to be recognized as their right when they act in community. Religious communities are a requirement of the social nature both of man and of religion itself.
Pope Paul VI
Lord, to whom should we go? Thy words are the words of eternal life.
Pope Paul VI
The pope-and we know this well-is without doubt the most serious obstacle on the ecumenical road.
Pope Paul VI
We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly let him rejoice.
Pope Paul VI
Technological society has succeeded in multiplying the opportunities for pleasure, but it has great difficulty in generating joy.
Pope Paul VI
It is called the real presence, not in an exclusive sense, as though other forms of presence were not real, but by reason of its excellence. It is the substantial presence by which Christ is made present without doubt, whole and entire, God and man.
Pope Paul VI
Of all human activities, man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.
Pope Paul VI
The world calls for and expects from us simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor, obedience and humility... Without this mark of holiness, our word will have difficulty in touching the heart of modern man. It risks being vain and sterile.
Pope Paul VI
Marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordained toward the procreation and education of children. Children are really the supreme gift of marriage and contribute in the highest degree to their parents' welfare.
Pope Paul VI
You must strive to multiply bread so that it suffices for the tables of mankind, and not rather favor an artificial control of birth, which would be irrational, in order to diminish the number of guests at the banquet of life.
Pope Paul VI
Physics does not change the nature of the world it studies, and no science of behavior can change the essential nature of man, even though both sciences yield technologies with a vast power to manipulate the subject matters.
Pope Paul VI
This world in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair. It is beauty, like truth, which brings joy to the heart of man and is that precious fruit which resists the year and tear of time, which unites generations and makes them share things in admiration.
Pope Paul VI
The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. It is a task and mission which the vast and profound changes of present-day society make all the more urgent. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.
Pope Paul VI
After long centuries, agrarian civilization is weakening. Is sufficient attention being devoted to the arrangement and improvement of the life of the country people, whose inferior and at times miserable economic situation provokes the flight to the unhappy crowded conditions of the city outskirts, where neither employment nor housing awaits them?
Pope Paul VI
Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.
Pope Paul VI
The important role of union organizations must be admitted: their object is the representation of the various categories of workers, their lawful collaboration in the economic advance of society, and the development of the sense of their responsibility for the realization of the common good.
Pope Paul VI
Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm.
Pope Paul VI
I met a hundred men going to Delhi and everyone is my brother.
Pope Paul VI
The hungry nations of the world cry out to the peoples blessed with abundance. And the Church, cut to the quick by this cry, asks each and every man to hear his brother's plea and answer it lovingly.
Pope Paul VI
Through some crack the smoke of satan has entered into the Church of God.
Pope Paul VI