Inspirational Quotes
... we need to reclaim the goodnewness of the gospel, and the best place to start is to rediscover the good news ourselves.
Philip Yancey
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Philip Yancey
Age: 75
Born: 1949
Born: November 4
More quotes by Philip Yancey
True faith does not so much attempt to manipulate God to do our will as it does to position us to do his will.
Philip Yancey
Whoever desires to remain faithful to Jesus must communicate faith as he did, not by compelling assent but by presenting it as a true answer to basic thirst. Rather than looking back nostalgically on a time when Christians wielded more power, I suggest another approach: that we regard ourselves as subversives operating within the broader culture.
Philip Yancey
Nature was one of the key forces that brought me back to God, for I wanted to know the Artist responsible for beauty such as I saw on grand scale in photos from space telescopes or on minute scale such as in the intricate designs on a butterfly wing.
Philip Yancey
We should feel dissonance we are, after all, immortals trapped in mortal surroundings. We lack unity because long ago a gap fissured open between our mortal and immortal parts theologians trace the fault line back to the Fall.
Philip Yancey
Prayer is not a means of removing the unknown and predictable elements in life, but rather a way of including the unknown and unpredictable in the outworking of the grace of God in our lives.
Philip Yancey
If God doesn't want something for me, then I shouldn't want it either.
Philip Yancey
Prayer is to the skeptic a delusion, a waste of time. To the believer it represents perhaps the most important use of time.
Philip Yancey
Life with God is an individual matter, and general formulas do not easily apply.
Philip Yancey
In a nutshell, the Bible from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 tells the story of a God reckless with desire to get his family back.
Philip Yancey
Our confused society badly needs a community of contrast, a counterculture of ordinary pilgrims who insist living a different way. Unlike popular culture, we will lavish attention on the least deserving in direct opposition to our celebrity culture's emphasis on success, wealth, and beauty.
Philip Yancey
When suffering happens, it forces us to confront life in a different way than we normally do.
Philip Yancey
The Christian sees the world as a transitional home badly in need of rehab, and we are active agents in that project.
Philip Yancey
Augustine started from God's grace and got it right, Pelagius started from human effort and got it wrong. Augustine passionately pursued God Pelagius methodically worked to please God.
Philip Yancey
In no other arena is the church at greater risk of losing its calling than in the public square
Philip Yancey
The camera follows a young woman as she makes her way through the stands to an area set aside for repentance and conversion. But Jesus' stories imply that far more may be going on out there: beyond that stadium scene, in a place concealed from all camera lenses, a great party has erupted, a gigantic celebration in the unseen world.
Philip Yancey
The presence of another caring person doubles the amount of pain a person can endure.
Philip Yancey
I say this with care, but I wonder if a fierce, insistent desire for a miracle - even a physical healing - sometimes betrays a lack of faith rather than an abundance of it. When yearning for a miraculous resolution to a problem, do we make our loyalty to God contingent on whether he reveals himself yet again in the seen world?
Philip Yancey
Often, it seems, we're [Christians] perceived more as guilt dispensers than as grace dispensers.
Philip Yancey
Goodness cannot be imposed externally, from the top down it must grow internally, from the bottom up.
Philip Yancey
The world says you gain your life by getting more and more and more and more, but Jesus says, 'No, that leads to death. You get it back by giving it away and when you give it away you get it back.'
Philip Yancey