Inspirational Quotes
I just got to the point where I literally didn't want anyone else to do it.
Peter Jackson
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Peter Jackson
Age: 63
Born: 1961
Born: October 31
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Producer
Sir Peter Jackson
Peter Robert Jackson
Sir Peter Robert Jackson
More quotes by Peter Jackson
I adore physical miniatures and try to use them as much as I can and have a bit of a fetish about that.
Peter Jackson
Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay small acts of kindness and love.
Peter Jackson
The one thing with 3D presentations is I think that 3D itself, whether it's 24 or 48, is at a very interesting point in time.
Peter Jackson
For a lot of my childhood, I didn't want to direct movies because I didn't really know what directing was.
Peter Jackson
One does not simply walk into Mordor.
Peter Jackson
I don't like putting glasses on and watching 3D. I don't mind wearing glasses, but it's the dimness of the light and the fact that you're filtering the light. Whatever 3D process is being used is a filtration of light, which means it's blocking some of the light.
Peter Jackson
Structure is important in film, but there's often structure to be found in the most unlikely of places! It's quite possible to build a structured story and retain idiosyncrasy.
Peter Jackson
I wanted people to believe that there could still be this little undiscovered piece of the world that survives still on Skull Island.
Peter Jackson
[While shooting close-ups] you study real eyes, you study how the light reflects in them, you study the back of the eye, you study the way irises reflect emotion. You go into great scientific detail.
Peter Jackson
Every film is a challenge. I always say that making a movie is like film school - you're always learning. But unlike most schools, you never get done with it. You never learn everything.
Peter Jackson
A pregnant woman is like a beautiful flowering tree, but take care when it comes time for the harvest that you do not shake or bruise the tree, for in doing so, you may harm both the tree and its fruit.
Peter Jackson
Elijah can register such subtle emotion on his face that I loved doing close-ups on him. He really brings a superb emotional level to Frodo's scenes and although he is a very instinctive actor, we discussed the character thoroughly.
Peter Jackson
Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.
Peter Jackson
Two of the actors, Sean Bean and Orlando Bloom, have been caught between two landslides and are now trapped in a tiny town in the middle of the South Island. They have been taken in by a kindly woman who has offered them food and a bed. They were last reported to be cooking spaghetti and cracking into a bottle of red wine.
Peter Jackson
And so I look back on not just the last ten years but everything that I've done as being sort of an ongoing growing continual film school. I mean I don't think I've got to a point where I've achieved anything that feels like, a particular milestone, but there's still a lot more to learn and hopefully a lot more films to make.
Peter Jackson
I don't believe in the concept that 3D should be shot separately. I mean, every director has their own style, sure, but I don't think any of that is really an issue with 3D.
Peter Jackson
Film is such a powerful medium. It's like a weapon and I think you have a duty to self-censor.
Peter Jackson
I am a big Dragon fan. I've said it before- And I was fortunate enough to be born a Dragon in the Chinese Horocope.
Peter Jackson
I think that George Lucas' 'Star Wars' films are fantastic. What he's done, which I admire, is he has taken all the money and profit from those films and poured it into developing digital sound and surround sound, which we are using today.
Peter Jackson
With the right movie, 3D can enhance the experience. Absolutely, it can make a good film a great film. It can make a great film a really amazing film to see .
Peter Jackson