Inspirational Quotes
No film has captivated my imagination more than 'King Kong.' I'm making movies today because I saw this film when I was 9 years old.
Peter Jackson
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Peter Jackson
Age: 63
Born: 1961
Born: October 31
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Producer
Sir Peter Jackson
Peter Robert Jackson
Sir Peter Robert Jackson
More quotes by Peter Jackson
Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.
Peter Jackson
I think that you can treat a classic like a museum piece -stuffed and mounted- or you can make it a living, breathing narrative that is unfolding right then and there.
Peter Jackson
For a lot of my childhood, I didn't want to direct movies because I didn't really know what directing was.
Peter Jackson
He who must search a haystack for a needle is likely to end up with the attitude that the needle is not worth the search.
Peter Jackson
Motion-capture is not a genre. Motion-capture is a tool and technique and what we tried to do was to really use both motion-capture and traditional animation to build a system.
Peter Jackson
Everything is in a script for a reason, and only by being part of a writing team (or writing it yourself), do you really understand the intention of every beat.
Peter Jackson
You shouldn't think of these movies as being 'The Lord of the Rings.' The Lord of the Rings is, and always will be, a wonderful book - one of the greatest ever written. Any films will only ever be an INTERPRETATION of the book. In this case my interpretation.
Peter Jackson
What is the truth is that every one of my films is a film that I'd love to go see, and I think that's very important because I always think it's a mistake to make movies for other people, or to make them for a demographic, or try to second guess an audience.
Peter Jackson
I think that's the job of a director really, to sort of funnel all the creativity into one centralized point of being.
Peter Jackson
Writing a screen play with a group of collaborators is like the Lennon McCartney collaboration .... sometimes one or two people do more than others on certain parts of the process and vice versa.
Peter Jackson
The only thing about 3-D is the dullness of the image.
Peter Jackson
I adore physical miniatures and try to use them as much as I can and have a bit of a fetish about that.
Peter Jackson
When you're casting a movie and when you're shooting a film, the eyes are the most important feature of any performer, really. Any great actor literally knows exactly how to use their eyes, and even as a filmmaker I love shooting huge close-ups because it's those eyes that mean so much to me.
Peter Jackson
In an ideal world the script is written lean and tight and therefore there are no scenes left on the cuttring room floor and therefore no extended edition.
Peter Jackson
To people in my industry I'm usually a guy that tries to generate his own projects and I remain very elusive when people try and attach me to big projects.
Peter Jackson
It's interesting how the frame rate actually changes the perception of the 3D as well as making it more comfortable to watch.
Peter Jackson
Most directors prefer to direct everything themselves. I thought I could on Lord Of The Rings, but very quickly found out that the sheer scale prevented it.
Peter Jackson
Filmmaking for me is always aiming for the imaginary movie and never achieving it.
Peter Jackson
New Zealand is not used to wealth. In America wealth is kind of a thing of pride. Here it's the opposite. The more you've got, the bigger the target you are.
Peter Jackson
Film is such a powerful medium. It's like a weapon and I think you have a duty to self-censor.
Peter Jackson