Inspirational Quotes
I dont normally like getting dressed up, but when I go to events, I like to look put together. Ive got to say, getting in a nice suit feels good.
Paul Dano
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Paul Dano
Age: 40
Born: 1984
Born: June 19
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Producer
Stage Actor
Television Actor
Voice Actor
New York
Paul Franklin Dano
More quotes by Paul Dano
I think there was a lot of working out the arc of how Manny [Daniel Radcliffe] talks. Scene to scene [in the Swiss army Man], if I would start talking a little too well, they would come in and say like, Hey, you need to [dial back] your ability to speak - things like that.
Paul Dano
One of my favorite films is 'Dumb and Dumber.' I'd love to do some really silly comedy someday.
Paul Dano
Everything you do, every experience that you have, enlightens you a little bit or worsens you.
Paul Dano
I feel like rumors get crazy and people blow up the whole internet with news. I feel like, once you're doing a job, you shouldn't talk about it.
Paul Dano
I like purple too. I looked up color psychology before doing any house painting, because I was curious what the colors I like mean. And purple is very royal and creative.
Paul Dano
The only constant I can find is hard work.
Paul Dano
Being actors is a strange job. To try to go live that out, it's a very strange thing to want to do when you step back and think about it.
Paul Dano
The first time I went to Daniel's [Radcliffe] apartment to just hang out before, because we're doing this crazy thing together, right away he said, Do you want to put your hand in my mouth so we can get used to this? And he was really ready to go. So we broke down any barriers pretty quick.
Paul Dano
I approach every role from scratch.
Paul Dano
Michael Caine is so happy. Happy and healthy. I think he enjoys life. I think he's 82 now, and I have no clue if I'll be working at that age.
Paul Dano
When somebody mentions that I did a play with George C. Scott, I'm like, it can't have happened. What was I doing on a Broadway stage at 11 years old? It's so far in the distance now.
Paul Dano
I think it's more important to try and make a good film than give a good performance.
Paul Dano
If you could call me buff, my version of buff was when I finished that film [Swiss Army Man].
Paul Dano
I remember going to the theatre when I was little and the lights going down and just getting really scared about what was going to happen up there.
Paul Dano
I feel like having something that you're passionate about helps to keep you young.
Paul Dano
You try to get to know your character as best as you can before you start filming - whats written and not written.
Paul Dano
I'm really excited to share the movie [Swiss Army Man] with people, so I'm glad that people are seeing it. And I want them to, because I think it's a really fun movie to experience sitting next to people. It makes it funnier. It makes it more comfortable. It makes it sweeter.
Paul Dano
Sometimes it's summer camp on location. So it's nice to have a little New York community of people you love.
Paul Dano
The less acting you have to do, the better, I think.
Paul Dano
I was constantly surprised by how things took shape, whether it was something that was funny or [sharp] or some of these more simple, quiet moments in the woods. Honestly I would say everything and nothing. I honestly don't think it's different than on any other film [Swiss Army Man]. I think I would probably ask questions of everything always.
Paul Dano