Inspirational Quotes
Each day we go to our work in the hope of discovering.
Nikola Tesla
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Nikola Tesla
Age: 86 †
Born: 1856
Born: July 10
Died: 1943
Died: January 7
Electrical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Nicola Tesla
More quotes by Nikola Tesla
Universal peace as a result of cumulative effort through centuries past might come into existence quickly - not unlike a crystal that suddenly forms in a solution which has been slowly prepared. Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.
Nikola Tesla
Of all things I liked books best.
Nikola Tesla
A new idea must not be judged by its immediate results.
Nikola Tesla
The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and pass away, but man remains.
Nikola Tesla
Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.
Nikola Tesla
All peoples everywhere should have free energy sources.
Nikola Tesla
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs the future, for which I really worked, is mine.
Nikola Tesla
The idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed.
Nikola Tesla
My mother understood human nature better and never chided. She knew that a man cannot be saved from his own foolishness or vice by someone else's efforts or protests, but only by the use of his own will.
Nikola Tesla
It seems that I have always been ahead of my time. I had to wait nineteen years before Niagara was harnessed by my system, fifteen years before the basic inventions for wireless which I gave to the world in 1893 were applied universally.
Nikola Tesla
There is something within me that might be illusion as it is often case with young delighted people, but if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole of humanity. If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exciting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb.
Nikola Tesla
The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.
Nikola Tesla
Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world.
Nikola Tesla
Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of energy. I never paid such a price.
Nikola Tesla
I have always been ahead of my time.
Nikola Tesla
The practical success of an idea, irrespective of its inherent merit, is dependent on the attitude of the contemporaries. If timely it is quickly adopted if not, it is apt to fare like a sprout lured out of the ground by warm sunshine, only to be injured and retarded in its growth by the succeeding frost.
Nikola Tesla
Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents.
Nikola Tesla
So we find that the three possible solutions of the great problem of increasing human energy are answered by the three words: food, peace, work.
Nikola Tesla
Alternate currents, especially of high frequencies, pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature.
Nikola Tesla
One of the great events in my life was my first meeting with Edison. This wonderful man, who had received no scientific training, yet had accomplished so much, filled me with amazement. I felt that the time I had spent studying languages, literature and art was wasted though later, of course, I learned this was not so.
Nikola Tesla