Inspirational Quotes
All the honors of men in a state of sleep are as nothing.
Neville Goddard
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Neville Goddard
More quotes by Neville Goddard
All you can possibly need or desire is already yours.Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.
Neville Goddard
The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.
Neville Goddard
Your Imagination is YOU yourself, and the world as your Imagination sees it is the real world.
Neville Goddard
Have faith in your imaginel act.
Neville Goddard
A change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness.
Neville Goddard
You believe in God? Believe also in your imagination.
Neville Goddard
NOTHING is impossible to you.
Neville Goddard
Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. In sleep man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself.
Neville Goddard
You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness.
Neville Goddard
There is nothing more important than developing your imagination to transform your life from the inside world of your thoughts and feelings to the outside world of your results and manifestations.
Neville Goddard
Each person is born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.
Neville Goddard
You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.
Neville Goddard
The ideal you seek and hope to attain will not manifest itself, will not be realized by you, until you have imagined that you are already that ideal.
Neville Goddard
Nothing comes from without. All things come from within.
Neville Goddard
If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.
Neville Goddard
Learn to shake yourself loose from what the world believes is the only reality.
Neville Goddard
Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor.
Neville Goddard
THE FIRST STEP in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective - know definitely what you want. SECOND: construct an event which you believe you would encounter following the fulfillment of your desire - an event which implies fulfillment of your desire - something which will have the action of Self predominant.
Neville Goddard
Imagination is nothing more than sensory states. Learn to go beyond an idea by feeling its reality.
Neville Goddard
The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.
Neville Goddard