Inspirational Quotes
Do you even know who the enemy is? I think... it's me.
Ned Vizzini
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Ned Vizzini
Age: 32 †
Born: 1981
Born: April 4
Died: 2013
Died: December 19
New York City
New York
More quotes by Ned Vizzini
Time is a person-made concept.
Ned Vizzini
It's such a silly little thing, the heart.
Ned Vizzini
I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?
Ned Vizzini
I like you a lot. Because you’re funny and smart and because you seem to like me. I know that’s not a good reason, but I can’t help it if a girl likes me I tend to like her back [...] I like you for all this stuff but I also kind of like you for the cuts on your face—
Ned Vizzini
I waste at least an hour every day lying in bed. Then I waste time pacing. I waste time thinking. I waste time being quiet and not saying anything because I'm afraid I'll stutter.
Ned Vizzini
I'm going to be here until I'm cured? Life is not cured, Mr. Gilner. Life is managed.
Ned Vizzini
They've spent alot of money on me. I'm ashamed.
Ned Vizzini
Things to do today: 1) Breathe in. 2) Breathe out.
Ned Vizzini
That's what gets me through the day. Knowing that I could do it. That I'm strong enough to do it and I can get it done.
Ned Vizzini
I had fooled myself into thinking that I was something important to the rest of the world.
Ned Vizzini
Sometimes I wish I had an easy answer for why I'm depressed.
Ned Vizzini
I was never big on rage.' 'Why?' It's so much more angry in my head than it could ever be outside.
Ned Vizzini
See, when you mess something up, you learn for the next time. It's when people compliment you that you're in trouble. That means they expect you to keep it up.
Ned Vizzini
I don't- I shake my head. (...) What? What were you going to say? This is another trick of shrinks. They never let you stop in midthought. If you open your mouth, they want to know exactly what you had the intention of saying.
Ned Vizzini
I've had good moments scattered since then, times when I thought I was better, but that was the last day I felt triumphant.
Ned Vizzini
Misfortune is no excuse for cruelty.
Ned Vizzini
I know a lot of famous people didn't do well at school, like James Brown he dropped out in fifth grade to be an entertainer, I respect that... but that's not going to be me. I'm not going to be able to do anything but work as hard as possible all the time and compete with everyone I know all the time to make it.
Ned Vizzini
No, mom says, looking at me in the eyes. What's a triumph is that you woke up this morning and decided to LIVE. THAT'S a triumph. that's what you did today.
Ned Vizzini
And I could have died right then. And considering how things went, I really should have.
Ned Vizzini
It’s a huge thing, this Shift, just as big as I imagined. My brain doesn’t want to think anymore all of a sudden it wants to do.
Ned Vizzini