Inspirational Quotes
It holds no fear for her now, because the shark has been tamed by the soul of a boy. No--the soul of a man.
Neal Shusterman
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Neal Shusterman
Age: 62
Born: 1962
Born: November 12
Science Fiction Writer
New York
More quotes by Neal Shusterman
You think you want to know the secrets of the universe. You think you want to see the way things all fit together. You believe in your heart of hearts that enlightenment will save the world and set you free. Maybe it will. But the path to enlightenment is rarely a pleasant one.
Neal Shusterman
It was at that moment he realized that his spirit was truly human once more. For he no longer remembered how to be alone without being lonely.
Neal Shusterman
How much do you know about the Heartland War?' Connor shrugs. 'It was the last chapter in our history textbook, but we had state testing, so we never got to it.
Neal Shusterman
No true hero ever believes that they are one.
Neal Shusterman
There's a quickening of her heart when she sees him. She tells herself it's anger.
Neal Shusterman
Getting to know someone in blind darkness changes your impression of them.
Neal Shusterman
Then she offers him a slim but sincere smile, and he reluctantly returns it. It doesn't bridge the gap between them, but at least it marks the spot where the bridge might be built.
Neal Shusterman
And he thinks that if his soul had a form, this is what it would be. A baby sleeping in his arms.
Neal Shusterman
We want what you no longer want.
Neal Shusterman
If you have to ask then you don't deserve an answer.
Neal Shusterman
Cowards hide [...] but warriors lie and wait [...] the only difference is whether you're motivated by fear or purpose.
Neal Shusterman
You see, a conflict always begins with an issue - a difference of opinion, an argument. But by the time it turns into a war, the issue doesn't matter anymore, because now it's about one thing and one thing only: how much each side hates the other.
Neal Shusterman
Unwinds didn't go out with a bang-they didn't even go out with a whimper. they went out with the silence of a candle flame pinched between two fingers.
Neal Shusterman
Most people have two emergency modes. Fight and Flight. But Conner always knew he had three. Fight, Flight, and Screw Up Royally.
Neal Shusterman
This is not going to be easy. I'm good at being bad, but I'm bad at being good. I don't know the first thing about good deeds.
Neal Shusterman
think of it this way, he said It took nine months to get you born, so doesn't it figure it would take nine months to get you dead?
Neal Shusterman
Statistically speaking, there's a better chance that some part of me will go on to greatness somewhere in the world. I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless.
Neal Shusterman
does a sick society get so used to its illness that it can't remember being well? what if the memory is too dangerous for the people who like things the way they are?
Neal Shusterman
So, says Lev, as casually as he can, you wanna dance? Do you believe in the end of the world? she responds. Lev shrugs. I don't know. Why? Because the day after that is when I'll dance with you.
Neal Shusterman
I gotta go to the bathroom, Emby mumbles. You should have thought of that before you left, says Hayden, putting on his best mother voice. How many times do we have to tell you? Always use the potty before climbing into a shipping crate.
Neal Shusterman