Inspirational Quotes
When you get before great people you don't talk a lot, you ask questions
Myles Munroe
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Myles Munroe
Age: 60 †
Born: 1954
Born: April 20
Died: 2014
Died: November 9
Motivational Speaker
More quotes by Myles Munroe
Don’t ever make the mistake of telling God that you have nothing to offer. That simply is not true. God does not create any junk.
Myles Munroe
A promise is a commitment to do something later, and a vow is a binding commitment to begin doing something now and to continue to do it for the duration of the vow. Some vows, or contracts, are for life others are for limited periods of time.
Myles Munroe
Love in marriage is more than just a feeling or an emotion it is a choice.
Myles Munroe
We need to challenge our own theology, challenge the curriculum of our Bible schools and our seminaries, and ask simple questions. Are we teaching and producing ministers who have the right message?
Myles Munroe
Every person is born with a seed of greatness.
Myles Munroe
Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,and personality.
Myles Munroe
There is nothing more powerful as attitude.
Myles Munroe
Your faith is only as strong as the test it survives
Myles Munroe
The greatest challenge of Leadership maintaining personal conviction in a globalized world.
Myles Munroe
Marriage is two imperfect people committing themselves to a perfect institution, by making perfect vows from imperfect lips before a perfect God.
Myles Munroe
I discovered that success has very little to do with education or race or disposition it has more to do with principles and following those principles.
Myles Munroe
Man is like an onion. His potential is exposed one layer at a time until all he is, is known by all.
Myles Munroe
Young people all over the world are very frustrated. They are very disillusioned. Many of them are turning their back on religion. They are walking away from the faith of their parents, and most of this is because religion has failed them.
Myles Munroe
Most people die at age 25 and are buried at age 65.
Myles Munroe
True success is what you have done compared to what you could have done.
Myles Munroe
Every conscientious husband and wife should measure their marriage by the unchanging standard of the principles found in God's Word.
Myles Munroe
At age 14, my belief systems began to change about myself, about God, about humans, about values, and about moral standards. I also began to align myself with the principles that are laid down by the Creator in the book called the Bible.
Myles Munroe
A woman says what is on her heart while a man says what is on his mind.
Myles Munroe
One of the greatest enemies to vision is sight!
Myles Munroe
Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.
Myles Munroe