Inspirational Quotes
Desire is craving enough to sacrifice for
Myles Munroe
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Myles Munroe
Age: 60 †
Born: 1954
Born: April 20
Died: 2014
Died: November 9
Motivational Speaker
More quotes by Myles Munroe
When you discover your gift and authority, that gift attracts people. When people come to you, they are not really coming to you for you but for the gift and the vision that you are serving the humanity of your generation with.
Myles Munroe
We each were endowed at birth with a unique gift, something we were born to do or become that no one else can achieve the way we can. God's purpose is that we bear abundant fruit and release the blessings of our gift and potential to the world.
Myles Munroe
All societies establish laws that become norms. Those norms create the environment that incubates society. So, when you implement the laws of God in society, they produce a culture of heaven.
Myles Munroe
Don't ever become so preoccupied by who you want to be that you forget to be who you are.
Myles Munroe
Purpose gives birth to hope and instills the passion to act.
Myles Munroe
Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our origins, our human makeup -and our destiny.
Myles Munroe
If you are going to help people discover God's original will for them, we've got to know what that will is, and He said it very clear in Scripture: He created man to have to dominion over earth. He wanted to establish man's authority on earth to represent heaven on earth, and most of our theological philosophy is completely opposite of that.
Myles Munroe
The greatest enemy of progress is your last success, you could become so proud of what you've already accomplished that you stop moving ahead to what you can still accomplish
Myles Munroe
You are not free until your past has no effect on your future
Myles Munroe
At age 14, my belief systems began to change about myself, about God, about humans, about values, and about moral standards. I also began to align myself with the principles that are laid down by the Creator in the book called the Bible.
Myles Munroe
Every conscientious husband and wife should measure their marriage by the unchanging standard of the principles found in God's Word.
Myles Munroe
The bible does not say that a man's education makes room for him, but that his gifts does. Education is not the key to success, it doesn,t guarantee anything it is your gift that is the key to success
Myles Munroe
Find your domain and serve it to the world.
Myles Munroe
Most people die at age 25 and are buried at age 65.
Myles Munroe
If you have hope for the future you have true riches no matter how much you have in your account
Myles Munroe
Let me define prayer for you in this show. Prayer is man giving God permission or license to interfere in earth's affairs. In other words, prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.
Myles Munroe
A promise is a commitment to do something later, and a vow is a binding commitment to begin doing something now and to continue to do it for the duration of the vow. Some vows, or contracts, are for life others are for limited periods of time.
Myles Munroe
I believe that if you are talking about economic stress, the systems of the world are very fragile, and if we put our hope and trust in the systems that men have created, they will guarantee failure.
Myles Munroe
Leadership is birthed out of anger!
Myles Munroe
We need to put people in positions of authority in government, business, law, medicine, media, sports and entertainment who are filled with the laws of God so that we can bring those laws into effect.
Myles Munroe