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Michael Kimmel
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Michael Kimmel
Age: 73
Born: 1951
Born: February 26
University Teacher
New York
Michael S. Kimmel
Michael Scott Kimmel
More quotes by Michael Kimmel
So guys who are otherwise sensitive and thoughtful say and do ridiculously dumb things to impress other guys. It's an enormous performance, but guys know that if they fail, they'll be ridiculed as sissies mercilessly.
Michael Kimmel
I believe that Americans are entitled. We're entitled to have a job that makes us feel like we have some dignity in our lives, that we live a life of integrity, and that we have good family relationships and our relationships with our friends and our families and our coworkers are enriching and meaningful.
Michael Kimmel
Feminism loves men enough to expect them to act more honorably and actually believes them capable of doing so.
Michael Kimmel
And few hookups, if any, ever take place sober. And while wearing beer goggles may make people appear more attractive, it doesn't exactly make for sexual ecstasy! There's always been a difference between pleasure and scoring.
Michael Kimmel
We have the data to prove to men that gender equality is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.
Michael Kimmel
It's like what you might call Goldilocks' dilemma in the old fairy tale. Young men see women as less than or better than, but never their equals. And studies indicate that equality is the best foundation for a healthy relationship.
Michael Kimmel
My colleagues and I have done a survey of 13,000 students on more than 17 campuses, and we found that while sex in college has always been a bit more casual, hooking up has pretty much replaced other traditional forms of dating.
Michael Kimmel
The pull of Guyland reminds us that women cannot accomplish this transformation alone. In the book's final chapter I argue that just as men need to stand up, do the right thing and break the silence that perpetuates Guyland, so, too, do women need to support each other in resisting its pull.
Michael Kimmel
Some of the worst elements of Guyland rest on the twin pillars of men's silence and women's compliance.
Michael Kimmel
Young men are eager to hook up with women. And many say they have very good female friends. But some of the emotions circulating among guys make it difficult to form and sustain healthy relationships.
Michael Kimmel