Inspirational Quotes
A good coach improves your game. A great coach improves your life.
Michael Josephson
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Michael Josephson
Age: 82
Born: 1942
Born: December 10
Motivational Speaker
More quotes by Michael Josephson
When was the last time you wrote a thank you note? When was the last time you went beyond a mechanical thank you to express authentic gratitude? We can enrich the lives of others and ourselves by making it a habit to express genuine appreciation for what others have done for us.
Michael Josephson
Never do anything for another with the expectation of gratitude. The expectation itself turns the gift into an exchange and suggests a debt is owed you.
Michael Josephson
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
Michael Josephson
Good intentions are simply not enough. Our character is defined and our lives are determined not by what we want, say or think, but by what we do.
Michael Josephson
Pretty isn't beauty. Pretty is how you look Beauty is who you are. Pretty is in the face and body Beauty is in the heart, mind and soul. Pretty fades Beauty grows.
Michael Josephson
At home, be grateful. At work, be appreciative. Gratitude is a gift we give ourselves. Appreciation is a gift we give to others.
Michael Josephson
There's no such thing as business ethics there's just ethics. And ethics makes no concessions for the real or imagined necessities of making a profit.
Michael Josephson
The opposite of success is not failure. Unsuccessful efforts are not failures unless they so discourage you that you abandon further efforts to achieve your goal. Even then, the venture or effort may be a failure but you are not. Failure is an event not a character trait.
Michael Josephson
Failure is much easier to handle if you just think of it as feedback to guide your next effort.
Michael Josephson
A caring heart that listens is often more valued than an intelligent mind that talks.
Michael Josephson
Some jobs require a more consistent challenge to moral courage than others. Politics is one. In such a setting terrifically good men and women will still be found wanting occasionally. No one does the right thing all the time. It would be more generous and fair to consider their batting average than to judge them only by their last worst act.
Michael Josephson
If we keep treating our most important values as meaningless relics, that's exactly what they'll become.
Michael Josephson
Gratitude is not a payment for a kindness but another form of gift.
Michael Josephson
It is not enough that we express our gratitude, we must experience it. We truly honor the must think about our blessings, separately and cumulatively It is not enough to count our blessings and express our gratitude if we don't truly feel grateful.
Michael Josephson
Go out there and do your part to change the world. You may not change all you had hoped but the world will be better for the caring demonstrated by your effort.
Michael Josephson
Character refers to dispositions and habits that determine the way that person normally responds to desires, fears, challenges, opportunities, failures and successes.
Michael Josephson
Character is both formed and revealed by how one deals with everyday situations as well as extraordinary pressures and temptations. Like a well-made tower, character is built stone by stone, decision by decision.
Michael Josephson
For many of us gratitude to others comes with a sense of debt that can never be fully paid and therefore the things we are thankful for are never really ours.
Michael Josephson
Gratitude should be felt and experienced sincerely, expressed generously and received graciously.
Michael Josephson
America is a song that sounds the best when we all sing together - at least for a while.
Michael Josephson