Inspirational Quotes
It is easier to be grateful for the things we have than to the people who have helped us get them.
Michael Josephson
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Michael Josephson
Age: 82
Born: 1942
Born: December 10
Motivational Speaker
More quotes by Michael Josephson
Character is just another term for good person. A person of character lives a worthy life guided by moral principles. A person of character is a good parent, a good friend, a good employee and a good citizen.
Michael Josephson
To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of shoes. To the man with old shoes, it's a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it's stylish shoes. And of course, the fellow with no feet would be happy to be barefoot. Measure your life by what you have not by what you don't.
Michael Josephson
Good intentions are simply not enough. Our character is defined and our lives are determined not by what we want, say or think, but by what we do.
Michael Josephson
Character is the moral strength to do the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.
Michael Josephson
If you pay too much attention to your reputation, you could lose your character.
Michael Josephson
Our expectation of the gratitude of others for what we've done for them is sometimes exaggerated because of our deep desire for appreciation and approval. When our good work or good deeds go unrewarded by hoped for praise, we feel like failures so we treat those who denied us our due as betrayers.
Michael Josephson
If we don't invest now in building character into children we will surely invest more tomorrow in trying to repair adults.
Michael Josephson
If you want to be happy, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life.
Michael Josephson
It's a great joy but no test of love or commitment to take your son to a ball game. You really prove your credentials as a good dad when you are willing to take your daughter shopping - more than once.
Michael Josephson
Don't confuse fun with fulfillment, or pleasure with happiness.
Michael Josephson
Expressed gratitude encourages further giving ingratitude drains vitality out of the spirit of generosity.
Michael Josephson
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident. It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice. Choose to live a life that matters.
Michael Josephson
Don't let others define you. Don't let the past confine you. Take charge of your life with confidence and determination and there are no limits on what you can do or be.
Michael Josephson
If we keep treating our most important values as meaningless relics, that's exactly what they'll become.
Michael Josephson
Some jobs require a more consistent challenge to moral courage than others. Politics is one. In such a setting terrifically good men and women will still be found wanting occasionally. No one does the right thing all the time. It would be more generous and fair to consider their batting average than to judge them only by their last worst act.
Michael Josephson
What a person says and does in ordinary moments when when no one is looking reveals more about true character than grand actions taken while in the spotlight. Our true character is revealed by normal, consistent, everyday attitudes and behavior, not by self-conscious words or deeds or rare acts of moral courage.
Michael Josephson
Pretty isn't beauty. Pretty is how you look Beauty is who you are. Pretty is in the face and body Beauty is in the heart, mind and soul. Pretty fades Beauty grows.
Michael Josephson
Success comes in cans. Failures comes in can'ts.
Michael Josephson
What you allow you encourage.
Michael Josephson
Physical courage to a person of honour is easier and less risky than acts that could subject him to embarrassment or humiliation or a diminished career or reputation. These things he must live with. To die for honor is an easier thought to bear.
Michael Josephson