Inspirational Quotes
Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall.
Michael Bassey
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Michael Bassey
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How convinced are you that man was created in the image of God when you can't see the image of God?
Michael Bassey
The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell.
Michael Bassey
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth.
Michael Bassey
Some people are allergic to your success. Such people...when you smile...they cry, and wish you were dead.
Michael Bassey
Some men can love forever, some for six years, some for six months, and others for six hours.
Michael Bassey
Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead inasmuch as her spoiler lives.
Michael Bassey
Don't act so callous to blank out good friends who failed on their way to success, just because something unusual hindered them, but you meandered out by a stroke of luck.
Michael Bassey
If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.
Michael Bassey
Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty.
Michael Bassey
True love is not a hide and seek game: in true love, both lovers seek each other.
Michael Bassey
Prove to the world that you are alive, let your words breathe life into the nostrils of the universe.
Michael Bassey
Real men don't dance to other people's tune, instead, they play for others to dance.
Michael Bassey
It doesn't really matter if you are left behind the back, but what matters is your capacity to pull and push everyone by your way to get to the front.
Michael Bassey
If you are truly a servant of God, then you are to serve him as a master.
Michael Bassey
Sometimes we have to behave indifferent towards people who proclaim their love to us, just to see if they are really different.
Michael Bassey
For you to make your creative work creative, you must seek creativity from the creator.
Michael Bassey
There's no secret on how to attain a greater height, just keep climbing the ladder, don't look at the dreadful distance, lock up that negative thoughts today, and fulfil your dreams.
Michael Bassey
My dear, if heaven is truly a place, then it is situated in your heart, that special place, that was reserved for me.
Michael Bassey
You don't buy all the clothes in the market. You choose slowly and carefully, asking the prices for each before buying. The same way you choose your friends, by looking into their lives carefully, before taking any as a companion, then dropping those that are not relevant.
Michael Bassey
Blessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition.
Michael Bassey