Inspirational Quotes
Faith is accepting what makes no sense, what we cannot prove, but know down deep in our souls is real.
Megan McCafferty
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Megan McCafferty
Age: 51
Born: 1973
Born: January 1
Megan Fitzmorris McCafferty
More quotes by Megan McCafferty
I know. It's shocking to think that the government would try to stick its nose in our ladyparts.
Megan McCafferty
Even with the best intentions, growing apart might just be an inevitable part of growing up.
Megan McCafferty
That's what all love comes down to, doesn't it? We help others only as much as they let us.
Megan McCafferty
I'm in crisis. I'm about to bump with a five-foot chino-chicano.
Megan McCafferty
Did you know that the average American spends six months of his or her life waiting for red lights to turn green? Six months wasted, waiting for permission to move on. Think of all the other stuff you could do with that time.” I was totally confused. “In the car?” “In your life,” he said.
Megan McCafferty
The tales we tell ourselves about ourselves makes us who we are.
Megan McCafferty
I’m not sure I’ll ever be finished. No matter how much I write, there will always be something I should’ve said.
Megan McCafferty
Gone for a while Hoping, always, to return If you will let me
Megan McCafferty
See, my idea of cute comes with an IQ requirement. It's geeky cute. It's Rivers Cuomo, not Justin Timberlake. It's Gideon Yago, not Brian Mcfayden. Jimmy Fallon, yes please! Brad Pitt, no thank you.
Megan McCafferty
You gotta take chances in this life or you're already dead.
Megan McCafferty
furious flutter awakened hummingbird heart hello hello love
Megan McCafferty
It kind of makes me wish that the worst thing that will ever happen to me would just hurry up and happen already. That way I could live the rest of my life in bliss, if only because I know how much worse things could be.
Megan McCafferty
I hate the very human inclination towards insensitivity
Megan McCafferty
When you say too much about anything important, it always ends up sounding more trivial than it is. Words trash it.
Megan McCafferty
Plagiarism has been around far longer than the Internet. In fact, I had a poem published in 'Seventeen' magazine when I was 15 years old. About a year later I was informed that there was a girl who used that same poem to win a statewide poetry competition in Alabama. It took months for people to put together that this had happened.
Megan McCafferty
There's only one racing strategy that matters.It's the one I run by: Get in the lead and don't let anyone pass you.
Megan McCafferty
Then again maybe there's something that I've been doing in the privacy of my own bedroom my whole life that I think is perfectly normal but is actually illegal in thirty-two states.
Megan McCafferty
Most of my friends from Columbia are going on to get advanced degrees. And why not? A Ph.D. is the new M.A., a master's is the new bachelor's, a B.A. is the new high school diploma, and a high school diploma is the new smiley-face sticker on your first-grade spelling test.
Megan McCafferty
Ever notice how people wait until they're not going to see you anymore to say something nice to you?
Megan McCafferty
You can only be in a bad mood for so long before you have to face up to the fact that it isn't a bad mood at all it's just your sucky personality.
Megan McCafferty