Inspirational Quotes
Want to snatch a day from the manacles of boredom? Do overgenerous deeds, acts beyond reimbursement. Kindness without compensation. Do a deed for which you cannot be repaid.
Max Lucado
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Max Lucado
Age: 69
Born: 1955
Born: January 11
San Angelo
More quotes by Max Lucado
A couple of things have helped. One is that I dont travel any, that takes a lot of time from peoples schedules, if they travel, so I dont travel.
Max Lucado
In this post-modern culture in which we live - where people question absolute truth - stories are resistant to platitudes they're resistant to me making declarations of truth to them. A story can do that in kind of a Trojan-horse fashion.
Max Lucado
We might question God's actions, decisions, or declarations. But we can never, ever question his zany, stunning, unquenchable affection.
Max Lucado
Ggrace is God's best idea - it's His decision to ravage people by love, to rescue passionately, and to restore justly.
Max Lucado
Jesus is not out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all - all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help (Heb. 4:15 - 16 MSG).
Max Lucado
See your enemies, not as God's failures, but as God's projects.
Max Lucado
Religion is intended to facilitate hope and faith. Much like a path is intended to facilitate a journey.
Max Lucado
Don't equate the presence of God with a good mood or a pleasant temperament. God is near whether you are happy or not.
Max Lucado
Gratitude. More aware of what you have than what you don't. Recognizing the treasure in the simple - a child's hug, fertile soil, a golden sunset. Relishing in the comfort of the common.
Max Lucado
For years I thought my assignment or the Church's assignment was to articulate the Gospel and nothing more. Now I believe that if we don't support the verbal expression of the Gospel with physical demonstration of compassion, we are not imitating Jesus.
Max Lucado
It's up to me to promote my faith and somebody else to promote theirs. Let the government just protect our right to do so.
Max Lucado
I'm protective of the reputation of Christ and the church.
Max Lucado
CAN is 100 times more important than IQ
Max Lucado
It's nothing mystical, necessarily. It's nothing secretive. It's just what we do with our body we do with our soul.
Max Lucado
Engage with the Bible. Meditate on it day and night. Think and rethink about God's Word. Let it be your guide. Make it your go-to book for questions. Let it be the ultimate authority in your life.
Max Lucado
The lack of God-centeredness leads to self-centeredness.
Max Lucado
You don't impress the officials at NASA with a paper airplane. You don't boast about your crayon sketches in the presence of Picasso. You don't claim equality with Einstein because you can write 'H20.' And you don't boast about your goodness in the presence of the Perfect.
Max Lucado
No acts are random or wasted.
Max Lucado
Don't be defined by your failures, be refined by them.
Max Lucado
[ Christianity], in and of itself, sets itself apart inherently, and so, for somebody to say, Well it just seems to me like you can pick between all these religions and still have the same thing. Its kind of like somebody saying, You could pick between 80 bananas and one apple and say you have a banana. You cant call that apple a banana.
Max Lucado