Inspirational Quotes
Every life has a death, and every light a shadow. Be content to stand in the light, and let the shadow fall where it will.
Mary Stewart
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Mary Stewart
Age: 97 †
Born: 1916
Born: August 17
Died: 2014
Died: May 9
Gymnastics Teacher
Primary School Teacher
Mary Florence Elinor Rainbow
Mary Florence Elinor Stewart
Mary Florence Elinor Rainbow Stewart
More quotes by Mary Stewart
There are few men more superstitious than soldiers. They are, after all, the men who live closest to death.
Mary Stewart
...the floss-silk manes tossed up like the crest of a breaking wave....Light ran and glittered on them. They were would have the white horses of the wave crests are to pull of the moon.
Mary Stewart
Take love easy, as the leaves grow on the trees.
Mary Stewart
The place for truth is not in the facts of a novel it is in the feelings.
Mary Stewart
I can say 'reduce your stress level' until I'm blue in the face.
Mary Stewart
Sometimes, I think, our impulses come not from the past, but from the future.
Mary Stewart
Where two Greeks are gathered together, there will be at least three political parties represented, and possibly more.
Mary Stewart
I sometimes think it's a mistake to have been happy when one was a child. One should always want to go on, not back.
Mary Stewart
You never know how you'll turn out till you've been down to half a dollar and no prospects.
Mary Stewart
I suppose one gets to know men quickest by the things they take for granted.
Mary Stewart
the difficult art I was attempting had, indeed a powerful fascination, before which the past faded, the future receded, and the whole of experience narrowed down to this stretch of glancing, glimmering water, and the fly I was trying to cast across it.
Mary Stewart
The mills of God work like lightning compared with the law.
Mary Stewart
It is not true that women cannot keep secrets. Where they love, they can be trusted to death and beyond, against all sense and reason. It is their weakness, and their great strength.
Mary Stewart
Have you ever thought, when something dreadful happens, 'a moment ago things were not like this let it be then, not now, anything but now'? And you try and try to remake then, but you know you can't. So you try to hold the moment quite still and not let it move on and show itself.
Mary Stewart
It seems to me you can be awfully happy in this life if you stand aside and watch and mind your own business, and let other people do as they like about damaging themselves and one another. You go on kidding yourself that you're impartial and tolerant and all that, then all of a sudden you realize you're dead, and you've never been alive at all.
Mary Stewart
Folks will say anything, and next time round they'll believe it.
Mary Stewart
The gods only go with you if you put yourself in their path. And that takes courage.
Mary Stewart
The best way of forgetting how you think you feel is to concentrate on what you know you know.
Mary Stewart
To plant a garden is the chief of the arts of peace.
Mary Stewart
Every man carries the seed of his own death, and you will not be more than a man. You will have everything you cannot have more.
Mary Stewart