Inspirational Quotes
Golf is fundamentally about being honest. I see people hit eight shots and tell me they shot five. I never say a word. It is a reminder to me of what is at stake.
Martin Sheen
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Martin Sheen
Age: 84
Born: 1940
Born: August 3
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Producer
Peace Activist
Stage Actor
Television Actor
Television Producer
Voice Actor
Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez
Ramon Gerardo Antonio Estevez
More quotes by Martin Sheen
I have been accused of being a traitor, and I have been accused of not supporting the military. Nothing could be further from the truth. The leaders are the ones who make the decisions. The soldiers do not have the choice. I support the soldiers as human beings.
Martin Sheen
Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life. Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.
Martin Sheen
This supposed idyllic society we have is the most confused, warped, addicted society in the history of the world. We are addicted to power, we're addicted to our own image of ourselves, to violence, divorce, abortion, and sex.
Martin Sheen
I don't like scary films. I watched Psycho for the first time recently, alone in the house at night. That was a mistake. I had to call my friend to come over.
Martin Sheen
Find something in your life worth fighting for
Martin Sheen
I don't think that people in America are really given enough information about the Third World.
Martin Sheen
Well, I think that Catholicism's basic foundation of faith is personal conscience. I think it's between you and God, not you and the Church.
Martin Sheen
I think [Bush] would like to hand his father Saddam Hussein's head and win his approval for what happened after the Gulf War.
Martin Sheen
I'm one of those cliff-hanging Catholics. I don't believe in God, but I do believe that Mary was his mother.
Martin Sheen
There is no greater virtue than honesty.
Martin Sheen
My recovery is the single greatest accomplishment of my life. Without that, the rest of my life would have fallen apart.
Martin Sheen
My first civil disobedience arrest for social justice was in 1986 for protesting the SDI.
Martin Sheen
The Irish tell the story of a man who arrives at the gates of heaven and asks to be let in St. Peter says, “Of course, just show us your scars.” The man says, “I have no scars”. St. Peter says, “What a pity was there nothing worth fighting for”?
Martin Sheen
Theres no way that I could be the president. You cant have a pacifist in the White House... Im an actor. This is what I do for a living.
Martin Sheen
I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.
Martin Sheen
Anybody who plays golf will tell you that you play against yourself.
Martin Sheen
I am not a politician or a public servant. I am still a journeyman actor and a peace and justice activist. I'm a pilgrim trying to win my freedom and serve as best I can in the time I have, with this gift I've been given.
Martin Sheen
We never get over our fathers, and we’re not required to. (Irish Proverb)
Martin Sheen
I am a very conscientious golfer. I count every stroke. I learned to play that way. That is the only way I can play. It taught me to be honest. There is no greater virtue than honesty.
Martin Sheen
Money's only something you need in case you don't die tomorrow.
Martin Sheen