Inspirational Quotes
A flower won't open if I yell at it and say “Bloom!
Marion Woodman
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Marion Woodman
Age: 89 †
Born: 1928
Born: August 15
Died: 2018
Died: July 9
More quotes by Marion Woodman
At the very point of vulnerability is where the surrender takes place-that is where the god enters. The god comes through the wound.
Marion Woodman
Soul, to me, means “embodied essence,” when we experience ourselves and others in our full humanity - part animal, part divine. Healing comes through embodiment of the soul. The soul in matter is what I think the feminine side of God is all about... The feminine soul is what grounds us it loves and accepts us in our totality.
Marion Woodman
A life that is truly lived is constantly burning away the veils of illusion, gradually revealing the essence of the individual.
Marion Woodman
Consciousness will not always solve the problem, but it may make the suffering meaningful.
Marion Woodman
Although the patriarchal ego prides itself on being reasonable, the twentieth century has been anything but the Age of Reason. In our collective neurosis, we have raped the earth, disrupted the delicate balance of nature, and created phallic missiles of mass destruction.
Marion Woodman
My soul is the bridge between spirit and body and, as such, is a uniter of opposites. Without soul at center, I would either transcend into spirit or become mired in matter.
Marion Woodman
Storytelling is at the heart of life. As a child, I was never bored because I could always get on with my story.
Marion Woodman
The more you work with your dreams and your unconscious, and honor it, the more you understand it and it understands you. When you develop a relationship with your psyche this way, you begin to carry that energy into life and your relationships.
Marion Woodman
The harder we look at our aches and ailments, the more we will be startled by the painful truths they are trying to convey about our dangerously disembodied way of life.
Marion Woodman
Love is the real power. It's the energy that cherishes. The more you work with that energy, the more you will see how people respond naturally to it, and the more you will want to use it. It brings out your creativity, and helps everyone around you flower. Your children, the people you work with--everyone blooms.
Marion Woodman
Rage and bitterness do not foster femininity. They harden the heart and make the body sick.
Marion Woodman
Metaphorically, the body becomes a machine to be driven or a garbage dump to be avoided. At the same time, the magnificent Mother in whose womb we live is mindlessly poisoned and raped. Surely, our insane denial has to be perceived and acted upon.
Marion Woodman
An addiction is anything we do to avoid hearing the messages that body and soul are trying to send us.
Marion Woodman
Many people can listen to their cat more intelligently than they can listen to their own despised body. Because they attend to their pet in a cherishing way, it returns their love. Their body, however, may have to let out an earth-shattering scream in order to be heard at all.
Marion Woodman
There is no sense talking about being true to yourself until you are sure what voice you are being true to. It takes hard work to differentiate the voices of the unconscious.
Marion Woodman
The healing of ourselves as healers has to take place first. Bringing ourselves to wholeness, we become more sensitive to other people. In the change of consciousness that happens within us, we bring about change of consciousness in those around us and in the planet itself.
Marion Woodman
Having a body that is like a musical instrument, open enough to be able to resonate, literally resonate with what is coming both from the inside and from the outside, so that one is able to surrender to powers greater than oneself.
Marion Woodman
If we fail to nourish our souls, they wither, and without soul, life ceases to have meaning.... The creative process shrivels in the absence of continual dialogue with the soul. And creativity is what makes life worth living.
Marion Woodman
A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth.
Marion Woodman
Most of us are dragged toward wholeness.
Marion Woodman