Inspirational Quotes
A man who sells his conscience for his interest will sell it for his pleasure. A man who will betray his country will betray his friend.
Maria Edgeworth
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Maria Edgeworth
Age: 81 †
Born: 1768
Born: January 1
Died: 1849
Died: May 22
Eliza Edgeworth
More quotes by Maria Edgeworth
Beauties are always curious about beauties, and wits about wits.
Maria Edgeworth
An orator is the worse person to tell a plain fact.
Maria Edgeworth
We cannot judge either of the feelings or of the characters of men with perfect accuracy from their actions or their appearance in public it is from their careless conversations, their half-finished sentences, that we may hope with the greatest probability of success to discover their real characters.
Maria Edgeworth
According to the Asiatics, Cupid's bow is strung with bees which are apt to sting, sometimes fatally, those who meddle with it.
Maria Edgeworth
every man who takes a part in politics, especially in times when parties run high, must expect to be abused they must bear it and their friends must learn to bear it for them.
Maria Edgeworth
Now flattery can never do good twice cursed in the giving and the receiving, it ought to be.
Maria Edgeworth
Those who are animated by hope can perform what would seem impossibilities to those who are under the depressing influence of fear.
Maria Edgeworth
Bishop Wilkins prophesied that the time would come when gentlemen, when they were to go on a journey, would call for their wings as regularly as they call for their boots.
Maria Edgeworth
Hope can produce the finest and most permanent springs of action.
Maria Edgeworth
How is it that hope so powerfully excites, and fear so absolutely depresses all our faculties?
Maria Edgeworth
What a misfortune it isto be bornawoman!? Why seek for knowledge, which can prove only that our wretchedness is irremediable? If a ray of light break in upon us, it is but to make darkness more visible to show usthenew limits, the Gothic structure, theimpenetrable barriers of our prison.
Maria Edgeworth
There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence.
Maria Edgeworth
First loves are not necessarily more foolish than others but the chances are certainly against them. Proximity of time or place, a variety of accidental circumstances more than the essential merits of the object, often produce what is called first love.
Maria Edgeworth
We may make our future by the best use of the present. There is no moment like the present.
Maria Edgeworth
Let the sexes mutually forgive each other their follies or, what is much better, let them combine their talents for their general advantage.
Maria Edgeworth
Books only spoil the originality of genius. Very well for those who can't think for themselves - But when one has made up one's opinions, there is no use in reading.
Maria Edgeworth
We perfectly agreed in our ideas of traveling we hurried from place to place as fast as horses and wheels, and curses and guineas, could carry us.
Maria Edgeworth
Promises are dangerous things to ask or to give.
Maria Edgeworth
I ... practiced all the arts of apology, evasion, and invisibility, to which procrastinators must sooner or later be reduced.
Maria Edgeworth
How success changes the opinion of men!
Maria Edgeworth