Inspirational Quotes
It must be weird having one child.
Luke Evans
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Luke Evans
Age: 45
Born: 1979
Born: April 15
Film Actor
Stage Actor
Luke George Evans
More quotes by Luke Evans
It's just hard to get an independent film made.
Luke Evans
I always wanted to sing, as a child.
Luke Evans
I think my dream would have been to be a solo artist. But it didn't work out like that, and I also love to sing lots of musical stuff I was really good at that, I've got a big voice. I dropped into musical theater and really enjoyed it and I sang for about nine years of my career.
Luke Evans
When you're working, you're flying on someone else's buck. When you're flying on your own, you sort of go, 'You know what, I'd rather keep the dosh in my pocket to spend when I get there.
Luke Evans
I stay away from Speedos. That would cause me absolutely unnecessary publicity.
Luke Evans
For your own self-respect and sanity, your creative freedom, you have to be careful that you don't rely too much on other people's opinions of what you do because it can stunt and inhibit you.
Luke Evans
I probably wanted to be a shopkeeper, because I like tills.
Luke Evans
When I left school, I got a job in a shoe shop and I used to save 15 quid a week and pay for my own singing and acting lessons.
Luke Evans
If you work with amazing actors, you've got a master class happening in front of you. But [also] it's just acting at the end of the day.
Luke Evans
Well usually if I'm having a sh***y day, I don't post anything. I don't go out just to tell everyone I'm having a great day, even if I'm not.
Luke Evans
I think it's a slippery slope to fabricate a different life.
Luke Evans
It's just nice to do something a bit different, and I guess when you're an actor, you have the license to do that.
Luke Evans
It's quite clear if you look at the actors in film right now, some of them came from theater but they didn't come from musical theater. There's still a bit of a stigma attached to it I would say.
Luke Evans
I started doing [acting] for a living, no one really warned me about the amount of traveling I would do. I always thought everything was shot in Los Angeles.
Luke Evans
Directing is something I've sort of always felt like I'd like to do at one point and I thought the best way to start it is to write something myself or with someone and I'd go from there.
Luke Evans
Not everybody's a great singer, but people can get better at singing. There's great singing teachers out there. It's a muscle, you just have to train it.
Luke Evans
You've got to be in the moment and respond to what you're feeling. I try to simplify it as much as possible.
Luke Evans
I'm very, very close to my mum and dad. My mum is only nineteen years older than me, so she could be my older sister, which is really nice.
Luke Evans
I'm not saying every musical theater actor can do film or television, but a lot of them can. A lot of them are brilliant actors who absolutely don't need to sing to prove their ability and don't get the opportunity.
Luke Evans
I think the best directors rarely loose their temper. I think the best directors provide you with a safe environment where they can instill you with confidence and allow you to try things out and not feel like your failing or that you're doing it wrong.
Luke Evans