Inspirational Quotes
It is disgusting to pick your teeth what is vulgar is to use a gold toothpick.
Louis Kronenberger
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Louis Kronenberger
Age: 75 †
Born: 1904
Born: January 1
Died: 1980
Died: January 1
More quotes by Louis Kronenberger
Ours must be the first age whose great goal, on a nonmaterial plane, is not fulfillment but adjustment and perhaps just such a goal has served as maladjustment's weapon.
Louis Kronenberger
A great maxim of personal responsibility and mature achievement: Do it yourself is now the enthroned cliche for being occupied with nonessentials.
Louis Kronenberger
One must never judge the writer by the man but one may fairly judge the man by the writer.
Louis Kronenberger
The test of interesting people is that subject matter doesn't matter.
Louis Kronenberger
He was the mightiest of Puritans no less than of philistines who first insisted that beauty is only skin deep.
Louis Kronenberger
A perfect conversation would run much less to brilliant sentences than to unfinished ones.
Louis Kronenberger
The closer and more confidential our relationship with someone, the less we are entitled to ask about what we are not voluntarily told.
Louis Kronenberger
We might define an eccentric as a man who is a law unto himself, and a crank as one who, having determined what the law is, insists on laying it down to others.
Louis Kronenberger
Along with being forever on the move, one is forever in a hurry, leaving things inadvertently behind-friend or fishing tackle, old raincoat or old allegiance.
Louis Kronenberger
In an automobile civilization, which was one of constant motion and activity, there was almost no time to think in a television one, there is small desire.
Louis Kronenberger
Privacy was in sufficient danger before TV appeared, and TV has given it its death blow.
Louis Kronenberger
Doubtless a good general rule for close friendships, where confidences are freely exchanged, is that what one is not informed about, one may not inquire about.
Louis Kronenberger
The moving van is a symbol of more than our restlessness, it is the most conclusive evidence possible of our progress.
Louis Kronenberger
For young people today things move so fast there is no problem of adjustment. Before you can adjust to A, B has appeared leading C by the hand, and with D in the distance.
Louis Kronenberger
Coyness is a rather comically pathetic fault, a miscalculation in which, by trying to veil the ego, we let it appear stark naked.
Louis Kronenberger
True individualists tend to be quite unobservant it is the snob, the would be sophisticate, the frightened conformist, who keeps a fascinated or worried eye on what is in the wind.
Louis Kronenberger
The fascinating necessarily tends to call a certain attention to itself the interesting need not. An evening spent with a fascinating person leaves vivid memories one spent with interesting people has merely a sort of bouquet.
Louis Kronenberger
Conformity may not always reign in the prosperous bourgeois suburb, but it ultimately always governs.
Louis Kronenberger
Life for most of us is full of steep stairs to go up and later, shaky stairs to totter down and very early in the history of stairs must have come the invention of bannisters.
Louis Kronenberger
With intellectuals, moral thought is often less a tonic that quickens ethical action than a narcotic that deadens it.
Louis Kronenberger