Inspirational Quotes
If you wrote about sex the way Jim [Salter] writes about sex in nonfiction, you would be a sociopath.
Lorin Stein
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Lorin Stein
Age: 51
Born: 1973
Born: April 22
District of Columbia
Lorin Hollister Stein
More quotes by Lorin Stein
Names don't matter, CVs don't matter, previous publications don't matter at all, because, in a certain way, the ideal is for someone to come completely out of left field. And still, of course, it is hard to say no to a writer who matters a lot to you and who you know matters to your readers.
Lorin Stein
I have the feeling that the magazine can reach many more people than it reaches and has something to offer that not everyone knows who should know it. That's why we're starting an app, and that's why we do the blog. But editorially, I think it's mainly a matter of keeping your eyes peeled. You just really don't know what's going to come along.
Lorin Stein
I love having people around who are better interviewers than I am and who can make the time to do a really great job. All of the interviews that we've published are with people who really interest me.
Lorin Stein
So, short stories have an even harder time, because they tend to get read during the day, between other things. They're interstitial. And yet the content of short stories tends to be very much nighttime content.
Lorin Stein
I don't know what people should be reading. Only you know what you should be reading.
Lorin Stein
Chekhov's stories are about the moment that a life goes off the rails and the price that will be paid - forever. That's a typical Chekhov story for you. Something that you're used to lying in bed worrying about at four in the morning, before you have the psychic defenses to kid yourself and tell yourself to get up and shower and go to the office.
Lorin Stein
I’m a reader who uses fiction as a way of worrying about life.
Lorin Stein
I've never thought that it made sense to put something out that I didn't actually find really fun to read. Or, if not fun, engaging. My tastes are whatever they are, but I may be a little bit afraid of certain kinds of density. I may get turned off by certain kinds of show-offyness.
Lorin Stein
You can go back and try to generalize, but then you end up saying things that all editors say about everything that ever gets published. Something about voice, about urgency, about actually having a story to tell.
Lorin Stein
For me the question that you have to ask, about any magazine, is whether it's needed, whether it's publishing things that no one else could publish, or publish equally well. So there's that.
Lorin Stein
I tend to think that the onus is on the writer to engage the reader, that the reader should not be expected to need the writer, that the writer has to prove it. All that stuff might add up to a kind of fun in the work. I like things that are about interesting subjects, which sounds self-evident.
Lorin Stein
The real threat to reading isn’t the time we spend hanging out, it’s the time we spend online.
Lorin Stein
We've never had a giant circulation. And we've always been a magazine for writers and for sophisticated readers. We've never had to run stories that would appeal to a million people. And what you end up with is a kind of tradition that might have staying power - the cockroach after armageddon.
Lorin Stein
In general, short stories are less read than before, they're less published than before and, not surprisingly, they're less taught than before.
Lorin Stein