Inspirational Quotes
If you see misery, it's your misery. When you see the perfection where the seeming imperfection seems to be, the misery is only an apparency.
Lester Levenson
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Lester Levenson
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Love eliminates fear. Love eliminates anxiety.
Lester Levenson
When we take one step toward the Self, It takes nine steps towards us.
Lester Levenson
There is more pain from holding on to the thought of pain than there is in the situation itself. If you let the world strike you, it will do so less cruelly than your own imagination.
Lester Levenson
The more miserable you get, the less you should look for an escape (socializing, entertainment). Rather, isolate until you see and let go of the reason for it, or move into your real Self. Never let go of - through escape from misery - a good opportunity to grow.
Lester Levenson
When one really loves, one can never be hurt.
Lester Levenson
Every time you feel miserable, there is present an excellent opportunity to make a big step forward.
Lester Levenson
If we don't like what's happening to us in the world, all we have to do is change our consciousness - and the world out there changes for us!
Lester Levenson
The only method of receiving love is to give love, because what we give out must come back.
Lester Levenson
Attain to the place where no one and no thing can disturb you.
Lester Levenson
Until we become fully free, we put up a false front, a facade, to others for the purpose of winning the acceptance and approval of others. We behave in accordance with what we think the other one wants rather than by expressing our own real feelings.
Lester Levenson
What is joy? Joy is nothing but the Self. When desires are fulfilled, the mind is stilled. This allows the Self to shine forth and that is what we call joy.
Lester Levenson
People need each other and think it is love. There's no hanging on to, or fencing in, of the other one when one loves.
Lester Levenson
Misery is complexity. Happiness is simplicity.
Lester Levenson
You can have anything you want, providing you first let go of wanting it.
Lester Levenson
There's nothing bad there's just making errors on the way back Home.
Lester Levenson
Human love is needing the other one. Divine love is giving to the other one.
Lester Levenson
Growth is transcending yourself, your habitual self, which is none other than ego.
Lester Levenson
Happiness is equal to one's capacity to love.
Lester Levenson
I was letting go and undoing the hell I had created. By squaring all with love, trying to love rather than trying to be loved, and by taking responsibility for all that was happening to me finding my subconscious thought and correcting it, I became freer and freer, happier and happier.
Lester Levenson
Every problem is an ego problem. In order to have a problem there has to be an ego-frustration.
Lester Levenson