Inspirational Quotes
You can search high & low to find happiness on earth, yet unless you love yourself, you will never find your true belonging.
Leon Brown
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Leon Brown
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By letting go, you allow everything to find it's rightful place. Once free, everything finds its way home.
Leon Brown
Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.
Leon Brown
When the world makes no sense, go inside yourself, and listen carefully to your needs, until you understand once more.
Leon Brown
God gave you a heart to love with, not to hate with, God gave you the ability to create Heaven on earth, not Hell.
Leon Brown
Life is precious, do not waste it doing anything that your heart does not respect or agree with.
Leon Brown
Respect yourself and others will follow suit. Most people will not treat you any better than you treat yourself.
Leon Brown
The day you stop worrying will be the first day of your new life anxiety takes you in circles, trust in yourself and become free.
Leon Brown
Let go of resentment, for it will hold you back. Do not worry about what could've been, what is to come is what matters.
Leon Brown
Before you look to blame another, look within yourself, for at some point you have not listened to your own instincts.
Leon Brown
Bitterness is a result of clinging to negative experiences. It serves you no good, and closes the door to your future.
Leon Brown
The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter, it will go away when you learn to accept life's challenges with grace and ease
Leon Brown
Do not worry about the past or the future. This moment needs your attention, for this is where your life exists.
Leon Brown
Do not judge others by your own standards, for everyone is making their way home, in the way they know best.
Leon Brown
No one is perfect in this world. Forgive people for not knowing better and learn to move on.
Leon Brown
It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.
Leon Brown
A lack of love is the cause for most problems in life, when love is missing, nothing can flourish, only pain thrives.
Leon Brown
Life is a daily cleansing. Negativity must be washed away, if you wish to attract positive experiences to your life.
Leon Brown
For every positive change you make in your life, something else also changes for the better - it creates a chain reaction.
Leon Brown
Remember you are a different person now than before, you are wiser & stronger for the trials that you have been through.
Leon Brown
Never underestimate your own strength. You were born for a purpose and are blessed with the power to achieve it.
Leon Brown