Inspirational Quotes
The best thing to do is just know that there's a big difference between style and fashion, and that one doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
Kelly Cutrone
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Kelly Cutrone
Age: 59
Born: 1965
Born: November 13
New York
More quotes by Kelly Cutrone
We're constantly getting these messages to mind our own business and look the other way if we want to be well liked, to not tell the truth or speak our mind or say anything too intense. Well, I'm telling you here that this approach not only makes you party to other people's crimes against themselves but is a prescription for mediocrity and delusion
Kelly Cutrone
The whole thing about magazines is that, magazines are going to become deeper and more tutorial, and the nature of the magazine is going to change.
Kelly Cutrone
People should just express themselves and not worry about trends - try to use fashion like a compass, an indicator, examples of things that you can be. It's not to be taken so seriously. It's just clothes.
Kelly Cutrone
For the consumer, fashion is fashion. You can buy something beautiful for $20 and you can buy something ugly for $1,000. It comes down to style. As far as the industry as a whole, it is hard to say. I don't like to separate the worlds.
Kelly Cutrone
If you're 5' 6, just stay home. Don't pretend you're 5' 8 or 5' 9. If you want to be a beauty model, I guess that's fine, you can do glamour, but you're not going to do runway. If you're over 29 - 26, even - I would suggest you work regionally and not try to work nationally.
Kelly Cutrone
Personal branding is about figuring who you are and what turns you on and then monetising it
Kelly Cutrone
You can have sex with whomever you want to you're not trapped with the person you had the baby with. You can pick the name, religion, schools, what they wear. There's no consulting - you call all the shots. Single motherhood is an amazing thing it's a blessing.
Kelly Cutrone
Most fashion models do not look good in bikinis because they're too thin.
Kelly Cutrone
I had the most expensive haircut you can get, and I was walking around with my hair in rollers backstage, and my hair still came out looking like I was shot out of a cannon and I had just gotten out of bed.
Kelly Cutrone
You find out who you are by figuring out who and what you're not
Kelly Cutrone
When you're young, you don't realize that things are going to pass and things will move and shift.
Kelly Cutrone
I work in fashion because the world is such a heavy place that I need to be in this industry that fights for five hours to get a dress.
Kelly Cutrone
I believe everyone who breathes air on this earth, regardless of their job or their bank account, must give back more than just carbon dioxide.
Kelly Cutrone
I don't take it lightly that I brought a life into this world. They're waiting for you every day, these sweet little angels. You have to have time for them to interact on a daily basis.
Kelly Cutrone
The hardest lessons to learn are the ones your soul needs most.
Kelly Cutrone
This is an important lesson to remember when you're having a bad day, a bad month, or a shitty year. Things will change: you won't feel this way forever. And anyway, sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your soul needs most.
Kelly Cutrone
I overcame my fears and troubles simply by praying and learning to calm down when scary things were happening - I formed certain mantras which helped me become pro-active vs. reactive, such as : What's the problem? What's the solution? Time Energy Money What do I get? What do I give? Shrink It. Fix it. Grow it.
Kelly Cutrone
Your dreams are ballbusters they're not the yellow brick road.
Kelly Cutrone
Do your best and become as successful as you can because the more powerful you become, the smaller the other person gets, right? So it's like the bigger you are, the better you become, the less power other people have over you. The best thing to do is to always compete with yourself and not to compete with others.
Kelly Cutrone
It’s one thing if you are a luxury brand and have been around for 60 years and can weather the retail storm we’ve had, but if you are a new brand that’s just starting out — whether you are a writer or a retailer — innovating through social media is crucial. Those that are hidden and guarded will not progress.
Kelly Cutrone