Inspirational Quotes
The big gap between the ability of actors is confidence.
Kathleen Turner
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Kathleen Turner
Age: 70
Born: 1954
Born: June 19
Film Actor
Film Actress
Film Producer
Stage Actor
Television Actor
Theatrical Director
Voice Actor
Mary Kathleen Turner
More quotes by Kathleen Turner
I am certainly a liberal.
Kathleen Turner
You’re not too smart, are you? I like that in a man
Kathleen Turner
There are always people doing things wrong who need to be taught, for their own good. That's doable.
Kathleen Turner
I find the idea of today's icons being teenagers incredibly uninspiring.
Kathleen Turner
I have a brother who's a psychologist. He says three-quarters of the world are born feeling that they will be affected by the world one quarter are born knowing that they will affect the world
Kathleen Turner
Fearlessness at twenty springs from not knowing challenges lie ahead. Fearlessness at fifty comes from having wrestled with life's challenges and learned from them.
Kathleen Turner
I have health. I have a wonderful support system. I have the admiration of millions of strangers, which I do not underestimate
Kathleen Turner
At about 40, the roles started slowing down. I started getting offers to play mothers and grandmothers
Kathleen Turner
What makes me angry? The education of children. How in God's name can you expect to have a functioning society the way we teach our kids?
Kathleen Turner
I don't think it has to be one religious structure, one church. I think the issues of faith and redemption are much more universal than any one religion.
Kathleen Turner
I do not admire young actresses whose foreheads cannot move.
Kathleen Turner
I love the new technology in terms of giving access to doing more independent work. When I first started out, any film had to rent from Panavision and the expenses were humongous. Now, given the advances in technology, you can put out extraordinary quality filmmaking at nothing like the price it used to be.
Kathleen Turner
Get more women producers, writers, directors. Why should we expect men to do it for us? They can't
Kathleen Turner
What we need is more women writers, writing for older women. There are some actresses who have production companies and create their own material, and I truly admire that
Kathleen Turner
I don't believe in simply accumulating money, but I have the luxury to say that, because I have enough for all my needs
Kathleen Turner
The roles that are written for women as they grow older in theater are much richer and much more powerful.
Kathleen Turner
A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that.
Kathleen Turner
I know there are nights when I have power, when I could put on something and walk in somewhere, and if there's a man who doesn't look at me, it's because he's gay.
Kathleen Turner
I often play women who are not essentially good or likable, and I often go through a stage where I hate them. Then I end up loving and defending them.
Kathleen Turner
I always thought the point was to have a bigger life, to meet more people. So I don't understand Hollywood
Kathleen Turner