Inspirational Quotes
I hated him. I hated them all. They made me hate myself even more than I already did.
Julie Anne Peters
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Julie Anne Peters
Age: 72
Born: 1952
Born: January 16
New York
More quotes by Julie Anne Peters
Everything seems to be working. Except me. I'm broken.
Julie Anne Peters
I'd decided to write him and tell him to leave me alone. Please, in a nice way, go away, I really can't deal with you.
Julie Anne Peters
Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl.
Julie Anne Peters
Take it as a token. Because tomorrow when I go, I want you to believe friends are possible.
Julie Anne Peters
But you'd sell your soul for it, wouldn't you? For one day of feeling beautiful.
Julie Anne Peters
Trust. That was what this was all about. If you can't trust the one you love, you don't have anything.
Julie Anne Peters
I don't have to answer. Until you know the question.
Julie Anne Peters
I wish I could tell my parents, If you want to help me, help me die.
Julie Anne Peters
I got singled out. I don't know why. Why do people always target me? Is it because I'm short and they figure I can't fight back? They're right, I can't, but it's not because I'm vertically challenged.
Julie Anne Peters
I don't sleep. All night long I'm wide awake, thinking, Secrets, secrets, secrets. There are secrets in my past no one needs to know. Secrets in my present that might kill Kim and Chip. I don't want to take my secrets with me when I go. When I pass through the light, i want to be free of everything and everyone.
Julie Anne Peters
I hear you. I just don't believe a word you say.
Julie Anne Peters
The sad truth is, they should never trust me.
Julie Anne Peters
I didn't tell him. And I never told her the whole truth. What would it matter? There was nothing she could do nothing anyone can do or will do.
Julie Anne Peters
People don't change. There are two kinds of people in the world: winners and losers. Black and white. I don't know where gray fits in, or if you can even live in that shade.
Julie Anne Peters
I suppose I'll be remembered as dull. Timid. No one ever knew me. People came. They went. I was kind, I think. Not sympathetic, but considerate of others. I always gave up my place in line. I loaned out pencils and paper, or let people take them from me. I never reported a sexual assault.
Julie Anne Peters
Is that all I am? A friend? Of course not, I say. I love you. Am I the only one? she asks. Yes. Completely. First, last, and always.
Julie Anne Peters
I'm scared. What will tomorrow bring? It has to be better than today. It has to.
Julie Anne Peters
I have no intent. I have no reason to live, that's all. When I'm gone, I don't want to be remembered.
Julie Anne Peters
But I'm no hero. I had to keep my dirty little secret. The worst sin I committed was holding it in letting the secret blacken me.
Julie Anne Peters
What can happen in a few minutes changes you forever.
Julie Anne Peters