Inspirational Quotes
Do what, Kim? Lead a normal life? Too late. Way too late.
Julie Anne Peters
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Julie Anne Peters
Age: 72
Born: 1952
Born: January 16
New York
More quotes by Julie Anne Peters
I'd decided to write him and tell him to leave me alone. Please, in a nice way, go away, I really can't deal with you.
Julie Anne Peters
Yet, when we talked, when we were together, she seemed so familiar. Seemed to know who I was, where I was coming from. She knew me better than I knew myself, I think. She was easy to be with. And I wanted to be with her, like all the time.
Julie Anne Peters
This is my vision-what I imagine I'll pass through on my way to the light. The blue sky, the clouds, the rays of light.
Julie Anne Peters
It was all about hate. There should be laws. We're there laws? Can you legislate against hatred?
Julie Anne Peters
I don't have to answer. Until you know the question.
Julie Anne Peters
Is that all I am? A friend? Of course not, I say. I love you. Am I the only one? she asks. Yes. Completely. First, last, and always.
Julie Anne Peters
What you see, isn't always what you get
Julie Anne Peters
The sad truth is, they should never trust me.
Julie Anne Peters
I hated him. I hated them all. They made me hate myself even more than I already did.
Julie Anne Peters
That earns him a smack with my book bag. Ow. He clutches his arm. What do you have in there? Books? A grin snakes across his face. I like my women feisty. He adds, I like my broken.
Julie Anne Peters
Trust. That was what this was all about. If you can't trust the one you love, you don't have anything.
Julie Anne Peters
His invitation lingers. So does my question. Why me? I don't know the answer. When I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is a starving, stunted bird who never grew wings and lost all reason to sing.
Julie Anne Peters
I wish I could tell my parents, If you want to help me, help me die.
Julie Anne Peters
No one ever found out what was happening inside me. How the pain was eating me away. No one ever came to my rescue, or stood up for me.
Julie Anne Peters
His eyes are like a telescope. I look into them and I'm transported across the universe to a world I've never been.
Julie Anne Peters
Who becomes you? No one. No one should become me. When I die, I don't want my body or soul inhabited. I wouldn't wish me on anyone.
Julie Anne Peters
That same piercing screech in her voice every time at the hospital. Do something! When I slit my wrists. Help her! The last time too. Somebody help her. Help us! You're helpless, both of you. All of us.
Julie Anne Peters
I think about my choice. Either outcome is bleak. If I stay and live through high school, go to college, get a job, what will ever change? This blackness inside will never go away. I don't make friends I'll always be alone. If I go, at least there's hope of peace. Chance of a new and better life on the other side.
Julie Anne Peters
I didn't tell him. And I never told her the whole truth. What would it matter? There was nothing she could do nothing anyone can do or will do.
Julie Anne Peters
What will I become? Because I won't be me any longer. That will be a relief. I dont want to be the helpless person I've always been.
Julie Anne Peters