Inspirational Quotes
Everyone's a liar. Everyone I've ever known.
Julie Anne Peters
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Julie Anne Peters
Age: 72
Born: 1952
Born: January 16
New York
More quotes by Julie Anne Peters
Yet, when we talked, when we were together, she seemed so familiar. Seemed to know who I was, where I was coming from. She knew me better than I knew myself, I think. She was easy to be with. And I wanted to be with her, like all the time.
Julie Anne Peters
You still have, I looked at my watch, twelve seconds to change your mind. Find someone else and save your reputation. One side of his lip cricked up. I found you. I'll take my chances.
Julie Anne Peters
Me? I had no dreams. No longings. Dreams only set you up for disappointment. Plus, you had to have a life to have dreams of a better life.
Julie Anne Peters
My mother read that parents should spend quality time with their children. One way is to sign up for organized activities together. This month we're taking meditation to free the mind. Last month it was Rolfing. Have you ever Rolfed, Tone? Only after the school's shepherd's pie, I said.
Julie Anne Peters
Who becomes you? No one. No one should become me. When I die, I don't want my body or soul inhabited. I wouldn't wish me on anyone.
Julie Anne Peters
I got singled out. I don't know why. Why do people always target me? Is it because I'm short and they figure I can't fight back? They're right, I can't, but it's not because I'm vertically challenged.
Julie Anne Peters
That same piercing screech in her voice every time at the hospital. Do something! When I slit my wrists. Help her! The last time too. Somebody help her. Help us! You're helpless, both of you. All of us.
Julie Anne Peters
I have no intent. I have no reason to live, that's all. When I'm gone, I don't want to be remembered.
Julie Anne Peters
What will I become? Because I won't be me any longer. That will be a relief. I dont want to be the helpless person I've always been.
Julie Anne Peters
His invitation lingers. So does my question. Why me? I don't know the answer. When I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is a starving, stunted bird who never grew wings and lost all reason to sing.
Julie Anne Peters
Our eyes met across the crowded room, like in the movies, except we didn't share a knowing smile and race into each other's arms. Instead I fell into the trash can.
Julie Anne Peters
No one ever found out what was happening inside me. How the pain was eating me away. No one ever came to my rescue, or stood up for me.
Julie Anne Peters
They didn't guarantee you'd come out a whole person.
Julie Anne Peters
But I'm no hero. I had to keep my dirty little secret. The worst sin I committed was holding it in letting the secret blacken me.
Julie Anne Peters
This is my vision-what I imagine I'll pass through on my way to the light. The blue sky, the clouds, the rays of light.
Julie Anne Peters
Take it as a token. Because tomorrow when I go, I want you to believe friends are possible.
Julie Anne Peters
Do what, Kim? Lead a normal life? Too late. Way too late.
Julie Anne Peters
I'm scared. What will tomorrow bring? It has to be better than today. It has to.
Julie Anne Peters
Trust. That was what this was all about. If you can't trust the one you love, you don't have anything.
Julie Anne Peters
What did she see in me? What does she see that I don't?
Julie Anne Peters