Inspirational Quotes
Man should bear in mind and ponder over the Greek admonition - Not Too Much, Not Too Little.
Joseph Pilates
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Joseph Pilates
Age: 83 †
Born: 1883
Born: December 9
Died: 1967
Died: October 9
Pilates Trainer
Joseph Hubertus Pilates
More quotes by Joseph Pilates
Daily, from sunrise to sunset, the radio, newspapers and magazines broadcast to the world how to maintain health, how to regain health... the conflicting information, expressive of the different opinions of these various health authorities, has proved to be nothing less than confusion.
Joseph Pilates
Normal muscles should function naturally in much the same manner as do the muscles of animals.
Joseph Pilates
Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. In order to achieve happiness, it is imperative to gain mastery of your body. If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60 you are supple and strong then you are young.
Joseph Pilates
Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.
Joseph Pilates
With body, mind, and spirit functioning perfectly as a coordinated whole, what else could reasonably be expected other than an active, alert, disciplined person?
Joseph Pilates
Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control.
Joseph Pilates
This is the equivalent of an “internal shower”. As the spring freshness born of the heavy rains and vast masses of melting snows on mountains in the hinterlands cause rivers to swell and rush turbulently onward to the sea, so too will your blood flow with renewed vigor as the direct result of your faithfully performing the Contrology exercises.
Joseph Pilates
Not only is health a normal condition, but it is our duty not only to attain it but to maintain it.
Joseph Pilates
To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limits of our ability.
Joseph Pilates
Self-confidenc e, poise, consciousness of possessing the power to accomplish our desires, with renewed lively interest in life are the natural results of the practice of Contrology [Pilates].
Joseph Pilates
Because of poor posture, practically 95% of our population suffers from varying degrees of spinal curvature, not to mention more serious ailments. Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control.
Joseph Pilates
Above all, learn how to breathe correctly.
Joseph Pilates
Breathing is the first act of life, and the last.
Joseph Pilates
Contrology (Pilates) is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.
Joseph Pilates
A man is as young as his spinal column.
Joseph Pilates
Physical fitness can neither be acquired by wishful thinking nor by outright purchase.
Joseph Pilates
When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure.
Joseph Pilates
Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs as well as supplying an ideal haven for the multiplication of other harmful germs.
Joseph Pilates
Before any real benefit can be derived from physical exercises, one must first learn how to breath properly. Our very life depends on it.
Joseph Pilates
You're only as old as your spine.
Joseph Pilates