Inspirational Quotes
You never know when it will be the last time you'll see your father, or kiss your wife, or play with your little brother, but there's always a last time. If you could remember every last time, you'd never stop grieving.
Jonathan Tropper
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Jonathan Tropper
Age: 54
Born: 1970
Born: February 19
Executive Producer
New York City
More quotes by Jonathan Tropper
Get comfortable with being alone. It will empower you.
Jonathan Tropper
If only all our conflicts could be resolved with a few grunts and a smack in the ass.
Jonathan Tropper
At some point, being angry is just another bad habit, like smoking, and you keep poisoning yourself without thinking about it.
Jonathan Tropper
The future just isn't what it used to be
Jonathan Tropper
Everyone always wants to know how you can tell when it's true love, and the answer is this: when the pain doesn't fade and the scars don't heal, and it's too damned late.
Jonathan Tropper
You can sit up here, feeling above it all while knowing you’re not, coming to the lonely conclusion that the only thing you can ever really know about anyone is that you don’t know anything about them at all.
Jonathan Tropper
I’m living in separate universes, and I have no idea where I actually belong.
Jonathan Tropper
Pity, I've learned, is like a fart. You can tolerate your own, but you simply can't stand anyone else's.
Jonathan Tropper
We're all clichés, all following scripts that have been written and played out long before we landed the role.
Jonathan Tropper
It would be a terrible mistake to go through life thinking that people are the sum total of what you see.
Jonathan Tropper
There are some people out there who don't wait for what come next. They decide what should come next and they go and make it happen.
Jonathan Tropper
Silver is forty-four years old, if you can believe it, out of shape, and depressed—although he doesn’t know if you call it depression when you have good reason to be maybe then you’re simply sad, or lonely, or just painfully aware, on a daily basis, of all the things you can never get back.
Jonathan Tropper
There are no happy endings, just happy days, happy moments. The only real ending is death, and trust me, no one dies happy. And the price of not dying is that things change all the time, and the only thing you can count on is that there's not a thing you can do about it.
Jonathan Tropper
You have to look at what you have right in front of you, at what it could be, and stop measuring it against what you've lost. I know this to be wise and true, just as I know that pretty much no one can do it.
Jonathan Tropper
Fate already warned us to pack it in. We just didn’t hear it in time.
Jonathan Tropper
I loved her for the way she embraced the unknown, how she opened herself up to every experience. When I was with her, she opened me up, too, stirred my passion and heightened my every sensation. Which was great, until she left me and all my heightened senses to deal with the heartache of losing her.
Jonathan Tropper
I want to explain everything to him, show him that it’s really not as screwed up as it all sounds, but then I remember that it is.
Jonathan Tropper
We are all smiling in the picture, three brothers having a grand old time just playing around in the living room, no agendas, no buried resentments or permanent scars. Even under the best of circumstances, there's just something so damn tragic about growing up.
Jonathan Tropper
We all start out so damn sure, thinking we've got the world on a string. If we ever stopped to think about the infinite number of ways we could be undone, we'd never leave our bedrooms.
Jonathan Tropper
Love made us partners in narcissism, and we talked ceaselessly about how close we were, how perfect our connection was, like we were the first people in history to ever get it exactly right.
Jonathan Tropper