Inspirational Quotes
If you want a free society, teach your children what oppression tastes like. Tell them how many miracles it takes to get from here to there. Above all, encourage them to ask questions. Teach them to think for themselves.
Jonathan Sacks
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Jonathan Sacks
Age: 72 †
Born: 1948
Born: March 8
Died: 2020
Died: November 7
University Teacher
St Pancras
Jonathan Henry Sacks
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Jonathan H. Sacks
Baron Sacks
Yaakov Zvi
Jonathan Henry Sacks
Baron Sacks
More quotes by Jonathan Sacks
Europe is dying. That is one of the unsayable truths of our time. We are undergoing the moral equivalent of climate change and no one is talking about it.
Jonathan Sacks
No great achiever - even those who made it seem easy - ever succeeded without hard work.
Jonathan Sacks
Governments cannot make marriages or turn feckless individuals into responsible citizens. That needs another kind of change agent.
Jonathan Sacks
The twenty-first century is, and will remain, the Age of Insecurity.
Jonathan Sacks
The world we build tomorrow is born in the stories we tell our children today. Politics moves the pieces. Education changes the game.
Jonathan Sacks
The Jewish festival of freedom is the oldest continuously observed religious ritual in the world. Across the centuries, Passover has never lost its power to inspire the imagination of successive generations of Jews with its annually re-enacted drama of slavery and liberation.
Jonathan Sacks
Hope, even more than necessity, is the mother of invention.
Jonathan Sacks
The message of Passover remains as powerful as ever. Freedom is won not on the battlefield but in the classroom and the home. Teach your children the history of freedom if you want them never to lose it.
Jonathan Sacks
We should challenge the relativism that tells us there is no right or wrong, when every instinct of our mind knows it is not so, and is a mere excuse to allow us to indulge in what we believe we can get away with. A world without values quickly becomes a world without value.
Jonathan Sacks
Jews read the books of Moses not just as history but as divine command. The question to which they are an answer is not, What happened? but rather, How then shall I live? And it's only with the exodus that the life of the commands really begins.
Jonathan Sacks
Yahoo has gone too far in wrongfully accusing us of a conspiracy that doesn't exist. If they are having problems retaining engineers, they should be looking at the internal sources of employee dissatisfaction rather than trying to cover that up with this legal action.
Jonathan Sacks
When everything that matters can be bought and sold, when commitments can be broken because they are no longer to our advantage, when shopping becomes salvation and advertising slogans become our litany, when our worth is measured by how much we earn and spend, then the market is destroying the very virtues on which in the long run it depends.
Jonathan Sacks
Yom HaShoah is a vital day in the Jewish calendar, providing us with a focal point for our remembrance. We cannot bring the dead back to life, but we can bring their memory back to life and ensure they are not forgotten. We can undertake in our lives to do what they were so cruelly prevented from doing in theirs.
Jonathan Sacks
The first of the request prayers in the daily Amidah is a fractal. It replicates in miniature the structure of the Amidah as a whole.
Jonathan Sacks
Israel is a democratic state with an independent judiciary, a free press and a diverse population of many cultures, religions and creeds.
Jonathan Sacks
God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections, admit our failures, and plead to God for clemency.
Jonathan Sacks
Religiosity turns out to be the best indicator of civic involvement: it's more accurate than education, age, income, gender or race.
Jonathan Sacks
We have lots of heroes today - sportsmen, supermodels, media personalities. They come, they have their 15 minutes of fame, and they go. But the influence of good teachers stays with us. They are the people who really shape our lives.
Jonathan Sacks
Marriage, sanctified by the bond of fidelity, is the nearest life gets to a work of art.
Jonathan Sacks
With wealth comes responsibility.
Jonathan Sacks