Inspirational Quotes
To allow yourself your own experience is the greatest act of self love
John Welwood
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John Welwood
Age: 75 †
Born: 1943
Born: March 12
Died: 2019
Died: January 17
More quotes by John Welwood
Boundless love always manages somehow to sparkle through your limited form.
John Welwood
Meditation provides a way of learning how to let go. As we sit, the self we've been trying to construct and make into a nice, neat package continues to unravel.
John Welwood
Forget about enlightenment. Sit down wherever you are. And listen to the wind singing in your veins.
John Welwood
We may tell ourselves that love is not really available. but the deeper truth is that we don't entirely trust it, and therefore have a hard time fully opening to it or letting it all the way into us. This disconnects us from our own heart, exacerbating our sense of love's scarcity.
John Welwood
It is only through letting our heart break that we discover something unexpected: the heart cannot actually break, it can only break open. When we feel both our love for this world and the pain of this world-together, at the same time-the heart breaks out of its shell. To live with an open heart is to experience life full-strength.
John Welwood
The warm and radiant yes of the heart is perfect, like the sun, in bringing all things to life and nourishing all that is truly human.
John Welwood
The light of unconditional love awakens the dormant seed potentials of the soul, helping them ripen, blossom, and bear fruit, allowing us to bring forth the unique gifts that are ours to offer in this life.
John Welwood
The words I love you, spoken in moments of genuine appreciation, wonder, or caring arise from something perfectly pure within us - the capacity to open ourselves and say yes without reserve. Such moments of pure openheartedness bring us as close to natural perfection as we can come in this life.
John Welwood
We are not just humans learning to become buddhas, but also buddhas waking up in human form, learning to become fully human.
John Welwood
We already have so much abundance. We truly do. We need not search too far. It is within. The reason we fail to recognize this is because we haven't quite mastered the art of being. For abundance to prevail, we must have LOVE, gratitude, acceptance and compassion.
John Welwood