Inspirational Quotes
When its raining the field gets wet, then all of a sudden everyones running slower
John Madden
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John Madden
Age: 88
Born: 1936
Born: April 10
American Football Player
Football Player
John Earl Madden
More quotes by John Madden
Real frontier-busting math explores new worlds . . . . If you can communicate that experience, somewhere between math and uncertainty, life experience provides the balance.
John Madden
I've always said winning's the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record - everything stinks - and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart.
John Madden
I think comparisons are odious.
John Madden
Winning is a great deodorant.
John Madden
Usually, the team that turns the ball over less will hold on to the ball more
John Madden
There's a lot of letters in Ladanian Tomlinson
John Madden
From the waist down, Earl Campbell has the biggest legs I have ever seen on a running back.
John Madden
There is a difference in being in shape and being in football shape. Any one can out on the field and run around , but once you start getting hit and have to get up then you find out the difference between being in shape and football shape.
John Madden
Give something that wasn't expected.
John Madden
If a guy doesn't work hard and doesn't play well, he can't lead anything. All he is, is a talker.
John Madden
I always used to tell my players that we are here to win! And you know what, Al? When you don't win, you lose.
John Madden
To me, discipline in football occurs on the field, not off it.
John Madden
The greatest gap in sports is between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl. The winner has confetti, parades, rings, the whole thing. The loser puts his head down and goes to his house.
John Madden
Every time I go to the theater, there's something about the atmosphere, seeing something unfold live in front of an audience, that you can't get out of your system.
John Madden
The best feeling is watching a real football game, because the games they show in the movies aren't real.
John Madden
If you think about it, I've never held a job in my life. I went from being an NFL player to a coach to a broadcaster. I haven't worked a day in my life.
John Madden
Playing in this nice weather really makes me remember all the times I got stung by a bee.
John Madden
Here's a guy who can use his arms and legs at the same time.
John Madden
In Oakland, Al Davis was a genius. We had Ron Wolff there, too, and he was a genius. There was no room for me to be a genius.
John Madden
If you see a defense team with dirt and mud on their backs they've had a bad day.
John Madden