Inspirational Quotes
I hear it said that West Berlin is militarily untenable - and so was Bastogne, and so, in fact, was Stalingrad. Any danger spot is tenable if men - brave men - will make it so.
John F. Kennedy
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John F. Kennedy
Age: 46 †
Born: 1917
Born: May 29
Died: 1963
Died: November 22
35Th U.S. President
Military Officer
Jack Kennedy
President Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
J. F. Kennedy
John Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Jack Kennedy
JF Kennedy
More quotes by John F. Kennedy
A country is as strong, really, as its citizens. And I think that mental and physical health - mental and physical vigor - go hand in hand.
John F. Kennedy
My fellow Americans, let us take that first step. Let us...step back from the shadow of war and seek out the way of peace. And if that journey is a thousand miles, or even more, let history record that we, in this land, at this time, took the first step.
John F. Kennedy
This country was founded by men and women who were dedicated or came to be dedicated to two propositions first, a strong religious conviction, and secondly a recognition that this conviction could flourish only under a system of freedom.
John F. Kennedy
Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave.
John F. Kennedy
There is, of course, a legitimate argument for some limitation upon immigration. We no longer need settlers for virgin lands, and our economy is expanding more slowly than in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
John F. Kennedy
We are confronted primarily with a moral issue... whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities, whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated.
John F. Kennedy
I think the success of any school can be measured by the contribution the alumni make to our national life.
John F. Kennedy
Richard Cromwell was not fit to wear the mantle of his uncle.
John F. Kennedy
There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education. In a democracy such as ours, we must make sure that education wins the race.
John F. Kennedy
You have, at the same time, placed your confidence in me, and in my ability to render a free, fair judgment - to uphold the Constitution and my oath of office - and to reject any kind of religious pressure or obligation that might directly or indirectly interfere with my conduct of the Presidency in the national interest.
John F. Kennedy
We can have faith in the future only if we have faith in ourselves.
John F. Kennedy
Sincerity is always subject to proof.
John F. Kennedy
I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.
John F. Kennedy
We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or to make it the last.
John F. Kennedy
We would like to live as we once lived, but history will not permit it.
John F. Kennedy
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.
John F. Kennedy
Immigration policy should be generous it should be fair it should be flexible. With such a policy we can turn to the world, and to our own past, with clean hands and a clear conscience.
John F. Kennedy
Irrational barriers and ancient prejudices fall quickly when the question of survival itself is at stake.
John F. Kennedy
If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred.
John F. Kennedy
We had a dog who was named Pushinka, who was given to my father by a Soviet official. And we trained that dog to slide down the slide we had in the back of the White House. Sliding the dog down that slide is probably my first memory.
John F. Kennedy