Inspirational Quotes
God gave me my money.
John D. Rockefeller
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John D. Rockefeller
Age: 97 †
Born: 1839
Born: July 8
Died: 1937
Died: May 23
Business Person
New York
John Davison Rockefeller
John Davison Rockefeller
john d. rockefeller
John Davison Rockefeller Sr.
More quotes by John D. Rockefeller
The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working-out of a law of nature and a law of God.
John D. Rockefeller
I was trained from the beginning to work, to save, and to give.
John D. Rockefeller
The person with big talk and big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
John D. Rockefeller
Don't blame the marketing department. The buck stops with the chief executive.
John D. Rockefeller
I think it is a man's duty to make all the money he can, keep all that he can and give away all that he can.
John D. Rockefeller
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.
John D. Rockefeller
Giving is the secret to a healthy life. Not necessarily money, but whatever a person has to give of encouragement, sympathy, and understanding.
John D. Rockefeller
I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week.
John D. Rockefeller
I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
John D. Rockefeller
I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
John D. Rockefeller
Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege.
John D. Rockefeller
I should say in general the advantage of education is to better fit a man for life's work. I would advise young men to take a college course, as a rule, but think some are just as well off with a thorough business training.
John D. Rockefeller
A man's wealth must be determined by the relation of his desires and expenditures to his income. If he feels rich on ten dollars, and has everything else he desires, he really is rich.
John D. Rockefeller
Get rich by taking something common and making it uncommon.
John D. Rockefeller
When a man has accumulated a sum of money, accumulated it within the law, the Government has no right to share in its earnings.
John D. Rockefeller
A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.
John D. Rockefeller
I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers
John D. Rockefeller
The man who starts out simply with the idea of getting rich won't succeed, you must have a larger ambition.
John D. Rockefeller
Never was I power thirsty, or trying to control everyone. I believed in educating everyone, so they could all get to the position I was at.
John D. Rockefeller
The major fortunes in America have been made in land.
John D. Rockefeller