Inspirational Quotes
When Time got rid of my column, I thought it was all over. It was really sad. And then, I just started pushing it to lots of places. And I thought someone would run my column, I thought it was popular, and no one wanted it.
Joel Stein
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Joel Stein
Age: 53
Born: 1971
Born: July 23
Edison Township
More quotes by Joel Stein
You don't get anywhere without saying yes.
Joel Stein
If New Vegas foretells something about America's future, then the culture wars are all but over, and culture lost.
Joel Stein
I love sushi, but I'm not going to write a column about it.
Joel Stein
I've learned over time that every editor has told me when you're getting that much hate, you don't talk about it. You just kind of don't give it oxygen and let it go away. It's almost - not always, but almost - always the best policy.
Joel Stein
I try to see what that person is thinking or feeling about that particular day. I just get more of a sense of what that person's like and hopefully it's more interesting than a normal conversation.
Joel Stein
The people who get places in life just say yes to everything.
Joel Stein
What I wound up doing, which I think is really journalistically dubious, is changing the order of some of the things I did, so that the things I ended up struggling with the most wind up being two-thirds of the way in.
Joel Stein
I think the local food movement has been taken to idiotic extremes. And so I wrote about that and people got pissed.
Joel Stein
Early on, even in college, I figured out that it was just more interesting to me to create content than to write about other people. So that makes it more marketable.
Joel Stein
I never thought to look at the New York Times one, even though I knew people were pissed off. I've seen YouTube videos from people who are pissed off at me about that and that takes a lot of effort to go find.
Joel Stein
People would ask if I wanted to host things and I was like, No, I'm a writer, I don't host things. Just thinking I wouldn't be good at it - which is true - but also just wanting to hold on to some part of my identity.
Joel Stein
When wine drinkers tell me they taste notes of cherries, tobacco and rose petals, usually all I can detect is a whole lot of jackass.
Joel Stein
You're not going to change anyone's mind. Especially online.
Joel Stein
I don't read the letters section of Time magazine. I think it's just my habit as a reader. I don't read comments on stories, in general.
Joel Stein
The fun thing about journalism is if you go do a story about something, you can now ask three intelligent questions about it. Or say three intelligent things. And that gets people talking.
Joel Stein
You have to live among rich liberals to understand what they're saying. You'll never believe what they mean by 'middle class.' They mean themselves.
Joel Stein
Basically, I wake up, take care of my son for a little while, and then like, I am gonna write! And then I wind up.
Joel Stein
I would be at home reading, because I felt so disconnected from humanity.
Joel Stein
I don't like to be in the forest. It's a weird thing. I've learned to have a general appreciation for nature, which has taken a while. But the forest, I still don't really love.
Joel Stein
I'm not that clued into what people are that touchy about and how many of them there are and how niche these niches are.
Joel Stein