Inspirational Quotes
Even when I was playing, I never thought much about the individual honors. I wanted to go to the Super Bowl.
Joe Greene
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Joe Greene
Age: 78
Born: 1946
Born: September 24
American Football Player
Film Actor
Football Player
Television Actor
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People can care about changing the world. But what gets them to act is pressure and social reward.
Joe Greene
Winning the Super Bowl was obviously a great one, but the joy I felt of going to the Super Bowl, it was what I felt about the Pittsburgh Steelers and where we came from, the history of us to that point.
Joe Greene
Going after the QB is like playing king of the mountain. When you get the QB, you're on top of the mountain.
Joe Greene
When you win and you don't have anyone to share it with, why win? You have someone to share it with you.
Joe Greene
If you had told me when I was at high school that one day I would be working for a for-profit company, let alone running one, I would have said you were crazy. But I am interested in how you can empower individuals to make change, and Causes is doing just that.
Joe Greene
When you think of me as a football player, I would like for people to think that I put it on the line every time. Good or bad, win or lose, I put it on the line.
Joe Greene
Altruism is one of the most fundamentally social impulses, and doing things for others without expecting anything in return is core to what makes us human. This is why, from the day Facebook Platform launched in 2007, Causes has been honored to be one of the most popular applications, with over 140 million users.
Joe Greene
The way to get people civically engaged, not just during the election but throughout the year, is to tap into Facebook and let them do it with their friends.
Joe Greene
Whatever you think of Facebook, you cannot fault it for lack of ambition.
Joe Greene
I do play football no-holds-barred. Any edge I can get, I'll take. I'd grab a face mask only in a fit of anger. Uncontrolled anger is damn near insane.
Joe Greene
I believe in being positive.
Joe Greene
Remember all of the 'me too' social networks built just to have a social feature Facebook and MySpace didn't have? I built one for political discussion called Essembly. It enabled unique and potentially transformative social interactions, but only 20,000 people ever used it.
Joe Greene
Grassroots organizing tends to be most available to big campaigns, but it's actually most useful to small ones. You can't win a presidential campaign without going on TV, but you can win a local election simply by organizing your community. NationBuilder levels the playing field.
Joe Greene
The zone is a place that you rarely visit. It's not some place you go every week. The zone is sacred ground.
Joe Greene
It brought Pittsburgh into the picture of football teams in the National Football League that, ‘OK, you have to deal with us now.’
Joe Greene
They say that when you're the champs, everybody will try to beat you. Well, I'm glad we're champs, so bring'em on, bring'em all on. If we die, we ain't gonna die running. It's gonna be a fight.
Joe Greene
For a football coach, there's nothing that matches the pain of a team not playing up to its capabilities.
Joe Greene
When all is said and done and the e-book is written about politics and the Internet, it is not going to be about the presidential election. It will be about the smaller elections in aggregate that have a huge effect on people's lives.
Joe Greene
I never had a desire to hurt anybody.
Joe Greene
You can go to the bank and borrow money, but you can't go to the bank and borrow a Super Bowl ring. The ring is like a crown.
Joe Greene