Inspirational Quotes
I'll tell you something about tough times. They just about kill you, but if you decide to keep working at them, you'll find your way through.
Joan Bauer
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Joan Bauer
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Librarians understand about power - they know how to find anything.
Joan Bauer
New places always help us look at life differently
Joan Bauer
I don't do normal. I have a reputation to uphold. (Thwonk)
Joan Bauer
He stood up, put the tree back under the grow light. 'There. That's what's going to happen to us. It's called grafting. Taking something from one place and fixing it to another until they grow together. We didn't start from the same tree, but we're going to grow together like we did.
Joan Bauer
They marched. Not for themselves. They marched to remember the ones who didn't make it back. They marched because seeing so much loss can teach you about life. they marched because we're all fighting a war whether we know it or not...a war for our minds and souls and what we believe in.
Joan Bauer
Teenagers are like bees at night, I think. We don't like waking up and we don't always get with the program immediately, but once we figure out our mission, we'll see it through.
Joan Bauer
Like my grandmother always said, 'you never know the blessings that come from suffering.
Joan Bauer
My grandma always said that God made libraries so that people didn't have any excuse to be stupid.
Joan Bauer
We've got so much in this life that all we know how to do is want more. So we concentrate on the wrong things-things we can see-as being the measure of a person. We think if we win something big or buy something snazzy it'll make us more than we are. Our hearts know that's not true, but the eyes are powerful.
Joan Bauer
Everyone needs fudge, Hildy. It's how God helps us cope.
Joan Bauer
You don't understand how much light you have until the lights go out.
Joan Bauer
Sometimes just getting up in the morning and standing at the gate can bring the gate down.
Joan Bauer
Will we have bodyguards? We're not quite set up for that. But with all these mothers, you don't need them.
Joan Bauer
...It isn't the problems along the way that make us or break us. It's how we learn to stand and face them that makes the difference.
Joan Bauer
Mountains draw you to a deeper place in yourself
Joan Bauer
Have you ever noticed that it takes a textbook dozens of pages to say what normal people can cover fast? Example: What was the full impact of World War II? Clear-cut teenage answer: we won.
Joan Bauer
Words are such powerful things. We can rip somebody apart with them, we can write words down that can forever hurt another person. We can use them to tell stories and lies. We can misquote them and change what other people said to make ourselves look good.
Joan Bauer
You cannot measure the loss of a human life. It's all the things a person was, all their dreams, all the people who loved them, all they hoped to be and could give back to the world.
Joan Bauer
If you can't find an answer at the mall or the library, what does that say about the world?
Joan Bauer
The sad heart needs work to do.
Joan Bauer