Inspirational Quotes
The problem is not scarcity the problem is power.
Jim Stanford
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Jim Stanford
Age: 63
Born: 1961
Born: March 3
More quotes by Jim Stanford
Competition-ruthless, unforgiving, to-the-death competition-is a crucial feature of capitalism.
Jim Stanford
Like a forensic accountant trying to solve a corporate fraud, following the trail of money around the circle is a good way to understand what actually happens as capitalism unfolds.
Jim Stanford
Apart from their work and production, households perform other important economic functions. Most CONSUMPTION occurs within the household. ... In developed capitalist economies, private consumption spending accounts for half or more of GDP.
Jim Stanford
If you want poor people to work you restore their incentive by giving them less, such as by cutting social services. If you want rich people to work you restore their incentive by giving them more, such as by cutting taxes.
Jim Stanford
Try this: say the words global, global, global aloud several times, as fast as you can. You'll find yourself sounding like a turkey (gobble, gobble, gobble).
Jim Stanford
Never trust an economist with your job. Learn about economics yourself. And make up your own mind about what might protect your job - and what might destroy it.
Jim Stanford
The total dividend income declared in 1995 by the bottom 9.7 million Canadian tax-filers (47% of all those submitting tax returns) was $310 million. The estimated dividend income received by the Thomson family in 1995 from its 72% ownership share of the Thomson Corporation and its 22% ownership share of the Hudson's Bay Company was $310 million.
Jim Stanford
Employers crave the power to fire workers whose performance is judged inferior-not just to get rid of those particular workers, but more importantly to motivate and discipline the rest of the workforce.
Jim Stanford
Kalecki thus precisely predicted the economic and political U-turn that occurred with the advent of neoliberalism. Kalecki also argued that fundamental institutional changes, especially regarding wage-setting and other aspects of the employment relationship, would be essential if full employment was to be sustained.
Jim Stanford
Growth can also involve producing services instead of goods. In particular, a major expansion of public and caring services (like child care, education, elder care, and other life-affirming programs) would generate huge increases in GDP and incomes, with virtually no impact on the environment.
Jim Stanford
Everyone has an interest in the economy: in how it functions, how well it functions, and in whose interests it functions.
Jim Stanford
Economic systems come, and economic systems go. No economic system lasts forever. Capitalism is not likely to last forever, either.
Jim Stanford
We know that investment causes growth. But it is also true that growth causes investment.
Jim Stanford
This relationship is the foundation for the argument, made by some trade unionists and labour advocates, that high wages can actually be good for business. The precedent set by Henry Ford in 1914, who offered workers $5.00 per day (a very high wage at the time) so they could afford to buy the same cars they made, is often invoked.
Jim Stanford
Capitalism, in contrast, has existed for fewer than 300 years. If the entire history of Homo sapiens was a 24-hour day, then capitalism has existed for two minutes.
Jim Stanford