Inspirational Quotes
Pause and remember - The only person you need to believe in you is - you!
Jennifer Young
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Jennifer Young
Age: 55
Born: 1969
Born: August 21
Film Director
Film Producer
Television Producer
More quotes by Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - It is never too late to begin again, to forgive someone, to have a dream, to meet someone or to love yourself. It is never too late!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Slow and steady will get you where you want to go. If you put too much pressure on yourself for results too quickly, you will quickly give up.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - If you just keep moving forward, everything you need will show up for you at the perfect time.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Life is a process of surrendering. Make the decision to let go of what no longer serves you or makes you feel good. Know that you are worth more and something better will arrive once you create the space.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Stop procrastinating! Wishing is wonderful but action is what it takes to make it happen.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - The past is over and it cannot be changed, fixed or undone by continuing to think about it. The quicker we can get over our mistakes, understand the lessons and move forward, the healthier we become to ourselves and everyone around us!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - You are unique. You are special. Every mistake, trial and hardship has helped to sculpt your real beauty. Stop hating yourself and start appreciating and loving yourself!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - The spiritual path is not always going to be smooth and easy. There are going to be difficult situations, hardships, losses and lessons. Don't lose faith along the way. You are exactly where you need to be.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Every single event in your life, especially the difficult lessons, have made you smarter, stronger, and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - If you empty yourself of yesterday's sorrows, you will have much more room for today's joy.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember-- Every moment is a choice. Every thought, word and deed is creating your future. Choose wisely and positively!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - You will make it to the other side of this hardship. One day you will look back with wiser eyes, understanding and gratitude. Hang in there!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - The more you stay focused on your blessings the less stressed your life will be!
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - You alone are responsible for taking an interest in your own growth. Understanding your deepest fears and pain is what will move you forward. If you can do this, you will be rewarded with not only a deeper connection with yourself, but also with others.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Nothing lasts forever. Better days are coming, but they will come faster with faith.
Jennifer Young
Pause and remember - Everyone gets discouraged and feels lost at times. Don't worry - life will get better. A new way is being made for you. Keep moving forward even if it's just baby steps.
Jennifer Young