Inspirational Quotes
I am an American aquarium drinker.
Jeff Tweedy
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Jeff Tweedy
Age: 57
Born: 1967
Born: August 25
Television Actor
Jeffrey Scot Tweedy
More quotes by Jeff Tweedy
Once you're an addict, you're always an addict, so just because I found something good to do doesn't mean I'm not going to hurt myself doing it.
Jeff Tweedy
I don't like being in public with headphones on. I don't know how people can do it. It seems like you're so cut off from your environment. I feel like I'd get hit by a car.
Jeff Tweedy
The sublime moment seems to be only a product of allowing yourself to get through, to get to a lot of stuff in your life, write about a lot of stuff and not edit yourself. That is a great lesson to learn for anybody that writes or creates in anyway, to be able to make something without being good or bad.
Jeff Tweedy
With some bands, there's a fear that if people do other things, the band is going to change and not hold it together. That's kind of sad if you love someone, set them free, right?
Jeff Tweedy
Stop trying to treat music like it's a tennis shoe, something to be branded. If the music industry wants to save money, they should take a look at some of their six-figure executive expense accounts. All those lawsuits can't be cheap, either.
Jeff Tweedy
I'm very, very suspicious of anybody that finds a belief system that they feel can explain it all, for themselves or for anybody else.
Jeff Tweedy
I don't think there is anything hard at all about having a lot of songs. It makes it easier to be less precious about them, and know that everybody's going to want to work on some of them.
Jeff Tweedy
If someone uses the amount of time I spend in the public eye as criteria for what my music could possibly mean to them, they probably should take a long, hard look in the mirror and figure out why they need to think they're so special. Because I don't think anybody is that special.
Jeff Tweedy
Even when I don't think I'm writing, I'm writing. There's some part of my brain geared toward making songs up, and I know it's collecting things and I know when I get a moment to be by myself, that's when they come out.
Jeff Tweedy
Avant-garde is the one area of music that has never changed. It doesn't mean anything.
Jeff Tweedy
I think the songs are more about relationships that are endless.
Jeff Tweedy
My highest aspirations as a songwriter are that people would sing my songs or know songs I've written sometime in as far into the future as I feel comfortable seeing.
Jeff Tweedy
Internet is radio for a lot of people. It's a place to get music and hear music, and no amount of clamping down will change that.
Jeff Tweedy
I still love poetic imagery. I love the idea of using surrealist speak to generate lyrical content and I love the way English can be exciting in and of itself.
Jeff Tweedy
When you listen to most of the records that really had an impact on you, they always seem to be from a different era.
Jeff Tweedy
I always listen to records that I've been a part of with a grain of salt.
Jeff Tweedy
I think that there's a lot of good will that exists between musicians and the people that support them and listen to them.
Jeff Tweedy
I know my lies are always wishes.
Jeff Tweedy
It's rooted in things that maybe older people or people my age remember as being rock music. But at the same time, I don't think we're stuck in the past or retro. I think we've tried to push ourselves and experiment with what we can call Wilco music.
Jeff Tweedy
We live in a connected world now. Some find that frightening. If people are downloading our music, they're listening to it. The internet is like radio for us.
Jeff Tweedy