Inspirational Quotes
Happy is entirely up to you and always has been.
Janette Rallison
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Janette Rallison
Age: 58
Born: 1966
Born: April 1
Science Fiction Writer
C. J. Hill
Sierra St. James
More quotes by Janette Rallison
...and her dreams that didn't happen, that couldn't have happened because she'd pinned them on somebody too broken and unattainable to love her back.
Janette Rallison
You need to be more careful, or you could hurt yourself. Right. Thank you, Mrs. Detweiler. I never would have come to that conclusion by myself. I was planning on incorporating a backflip into my next walk across the classroom but on second thought.
Janette Rallison
Perhaps selling your children, your future, just happened one bad decision at a time.
Janette Rallison
Courage is a fickle creature. Just as you need it, it often makes excuses and rushes out of the room.
Janette Rallison
Yesterday you asked me what the purpose of life is. I've thought about that ever since. I think it's to do good no matter what life throws at you, to not let the pain turn you bitter. It's something we have to learn, something we have to make ourselves become...Little kids don't have to learn it. They already know.
Janette Rallison
I will not go on, I thought. I won't. I will throw my soul to the wind and blow into a thousand pieces. I will wash up on a shore somewhere like bleached and broken driftwood. I will dry out in the sun until I-and any gift I ever had-shrivel into the sand.
Janette Rallison
The only wishes that will ever change you are the kind that may, at any moment, eat you whole.
Janette Rallison
The only things you can truly love after such a short time are ice cream flavors and comfortable shoes.
Janette Rallison
Blackmailers never explain their thinking. They're like pirates that way. Dark-hearted, dangerous--- and cool like Johnny Depp.
Janette Rallison
The key to happiness - as any good fairy godmother will tell you - is not to avoid problems, but to overcome them.
Janette Rallison
Sometimes love not only lifts you to the ceiling, it also keeps your eyes there.
Janette Rallison
Many perfumes promise to lure men to women. None of them smell of motherhood. None of them proclaim the wearer to be tidy, thrifty, and sensible.
Janette Rallison
New York is a nice place. If you like concrete, crowds, and that claustrophobic, closed-in feeling.
Janette Rallison
People weren't firecrackers who burst into the night sky with brilliance and glory, and a moment later faded away to nothing. Our souls had to be more lasting than that.
Janette Rallison
Very often the lessons you learn are more important than the things you accomplish
Janette Rallison
Well you can't believe everything you read. After all, by definition, fiction writers lie for a living.
Janette Rallison
Things that are easily done are often much harder to undo. Sometimes, impossible.
Janette Rallison
As if finding a guy to solve your problems isn't a contradiction of terms.
Janette Rallison
I didn't bother to explain about the glitter in my hair. I figured they could think it was a family trait. We all glittered, just like the Cullens in Twilight.
Janette Rallison
Happy people are rarely interesting.
Janette Rallison