Inspirational Quotes
Every time you say you don't believe in fairies, a fairy dies.
James M. Barrie
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James M. Barrie
Age: 77 †
Born: 1860
Born: May 9
Died: 1937
Died: June 19
the United States of America
James Matthew Barrie
J.M. Barrie
Sir James Matthew Barrie
1st Baronet
James Barrie
JM Barrie
James M. Barrie
More quotes by James M. Barrie
Thus sharply did the terrified three learn the difference between an island of make-believe and the same island come true.
James M. Barrie
I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg.
James M. Barrie
You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.
James M. Barrie
You [Scots] come of a race of men the very wind of whose name has swept to the ultimate seas.
James M. Barrie
I know not, sir, whether Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare, but if he did not, it seems to me that he missed the opportunity of his life.
James M. Barrie
I think it's perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls.
James M. Barrie
But the years came and went without bringing the careless boy and when they met again Wendy was a married woman, and Peter was no more to her than a little dust in the box in which she had kept her toys.
James M. Barrie
Some day,' said Smee, 'the clock will run down, and then he'll get you.' Hook wetted his dry lips, 'Aye,' he said, 'that's the fear that haunts me.
James M. Barrie
Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.
James M. Barrie
Always try to be a litle kinder than necessary.
James M. Barrie
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
James M. Barrie
If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing.
James M. Barrie
The man of science appears to be the only man who has something to say just now, and the only man who does not know how to say it.
James M. Barrie
His lordship may compel us to be equal upstairs, but there will never be equality in the servants' hall.
James M. Barrie
They were going round and round the island, but they did not meet because all were going at the same rate.
James M. Barrie
Some of my plays peter out and some pan out.
James M. Barrie
Young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older.
James M. Barrie
He was a poet and they are never exactly grown-up.
James M. Barrie
He was a little boy, and she was grown up. She huddled by the fire not daring to move, helpless and guilty, a big woman.
James M. Barrie
All are keeping a sharp look-out in front, but none suspects that the danger may be creeping up from behind.
James M. Barrie