Inspirational Quotes
Apostles of Freedom are ever idolised when dead, but crucified when alive.
James Connolly
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James Connolly
Age: 47 †
Born: 1868
Born: June 5
Died: 1916
Died: May 12
Political Leader
Trade Unionist
Séamas Ó Conghaile
Séamas Ó Conghalaigh
More quotes by James Connolly
However it may be for others, for us of the Citizen Army there is but one ideal - an Ireland ruled, and owned, by Irish men and women, sovereign and independent from the centre to the sea, and flying its own flag outward over all the oceans.
James Connolly
There can be no perfect Europe in which Ireland is denied even the least of its national rights.
James Connolly
If you strike at, imprison, or kill us, out of our prisons or graves we will still evoke a spirit that will thwart you, and perhaps, raise a force that will destroy you! We defy you! Do your worst!
James Connolly
Only the Irish working class remains as the incorruptible inheritors of the fight for freedom in Ireland.
James Connolly
Don't be 'practical' in politics. To be practical in that sense means that you have schooled yourself to think along the lines, and in the grooves that those who rob you would desire you to think.
James Connolly
Without the power of the Industrial Union behind it, Democracy can only enter the State as the victim enters the gullet of the Serpent.
James Connolly
Yes, ruling by fooling, is a great British art with great Irish fools to practice on.
James Connolly
I can always guarantee that the Irish Citizen Army will fight but I cannot guarantee that it will be on time
James Connolly
We believe in constitutional action in normal times we believe in revolutionary action in exceptional times.
James Connolly
The Irishman in English literature may be said to have been born with an apology in his mouth.
James Connolly
Under a socialist system every nation will be the supreme arbiter of its own destinies, national and international will be forced into no alliance against its will, but will have its independence guaranteed and its freedom respected by the enlightened self-interest of the socialist democracy of the world.
James Connolly
Yes, friends, governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.
James Connolly
We, at least, are not loyal men: we confess to having more respect and honour for the raggedest child of the poorest labourer in Ireland today than for any, even the most virtuous, descendant of the long array of murderers, adulterers and madmen who have sat upon the throne of England.
James Connolly
The great appear great to us.
James Connolly
Irish tory employers hid[e] their sweatshops behind orange flags, and Irish home rule landlords us[e] the green sunburst of Erin to cloak their rack-renting in the festering slums of our Irish towns.
James Connolly
The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, and the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour
James Connolly
The Irish people will only be free, when they own everything from the plough to the stars
James Connolly