Inspirational Quotes
Love is the sum of all the arts, as it is the reason for their existence.
Jack London
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Jack London
Age: 40 †
Born: 1876
Born: January 12
Died: 1916
Died: November 22
Science Fiction Writer
San Francisco County
John Griffith Chaney
John Griffith Jack London
John Griffith Chaney London
John Griffith Jack London Chaney
More quotes by Jack London
I'll have you know I do the swearing on this ship. If I need your assitance I'll call you. Capt. Wolf Larsen
Jack London
Don't write too much. Concentrate your sweat on one story, rather than dissipate it over a dozen.
Jack London
Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear?
Jack London
The great task demanded of man is reproduction. He is urged by passion to perform this task. Passion, working through the imagination, produces love. Passion is the impelling factor, imagination the disturbing factor and the disturbance of passion by imagination produces love.
Jack London
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
Jack London
I do not live for what the world thinks of me, but for what I think of myself.
Jack London
If a company is distributing images and video then obviously they need bandwidth solutions. But if they are looking to the mass market then they must develop WAP sites.
Jack London
His conclusion was that things were not always what they appeared to be. The cub's fear of the unknown was an inherited distrust, and it had now been strengthened by experience. Thenceforth, in the nature of things, he would possess an abiding distrust of appearances.
Jack London
Of her own experience she had no memory of the thing happening but in her instinct, which was the experience of all mothers of wolves, there lurked a memory of fathers that had eaten their new-born and helpless progeny.
Jack London
So that was the way. No fair play. Once down, that was the end of you.
Jack London
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
Jack London
Man is a flux of states of consciousness, a flow of passing thoughts, each thought of self another self, a myriad thoughts, a myriad selves, a continual becoming but never being, a will-of-the-wisp flitting of ghosts in ghostland.
Jack London
For the pride of trace and trail was his, and sick unto death, he could not bear that another dog should do his work.
Jack London
But under it all they were men, penetrating the land of desolation and mockery and silence, puny adventurers bent on colossal adventure, pitting themselves against the might of a world as remote and alien and pulseless as the abysses of space.
Jack London
They were not half living, or quarter living. They were simply so many bags of bones in which sparks of life fluttered faintly.
Jack London
Then one can't make a living out of poetry? Certainly not. What fool expects to? Out of rhyming, yes.
Jack London
If cash comes with fame, come fame if cash comes without fame, come cash.
Jack London
It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild. (Ch.1)
Jack London
He was sounding the deeps of his nature, and of the parts of his nature that were deeper than he, going back into the womb of Time.
Jack London
Mental or spiritual health, which is rationality, makes for progress, and the future demands greater and greater mental or spiritual health, greater and greater rationality. The brain must dominate and direct both the individual and society in the time to come, not the belly and the heart.
Jack London