Inspirational Quotes
What a magnificent body, how I should like to see it on the dissecting table.
Ivan Turgenev
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Ivan Turgenev
Age: 65 †
Born: 1818
Born: January 1
Died: 1883
Died: January 1
Opinion Journalist
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
More quotes by Ivan Turgenev
There is a sweetness in being the sole source, the autocratic and irresponsible cause of the greatest joy and profoundest pain to another.
Ivan Turgenev
All human beings hang by a thread, an abyss may open under their feet at any moment, and yet they have to go and invent all sortsof difficulties for themselves and spoil their lives.
Ivan Turgenev
There's something tragic in the fate of almost every person--it's just that the tragic is often concealed from a person by the banal surface of life.... A woman will complain of indigestion and not even know that what she means is that her whole life has been shattered.
Ivan Turgenev
Death's an old joke, but each individual encounters it anew.
Ivan Turgenev
A withered maple leaf has left its branch and is falling to the ground its movements resemble those of a butterfly in flight. Isn't it strange? The saddest and deadest of things is yet so like the gayest and most vital of creatures?
Ivan Turgenev
I'm incapable of describing the feeling with which I left. I wouldn't want it ever to be repeated, but I would have considered myself unfortunate if I'd never experienced it.
Ivan Turgenev
In my case there was no first love. I began with the second.
Ivan Turgenev
Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic: she has her own, which we do not recognize and do not acknowledge until we are crushed under its wheel
Ivan Turgenev
I walked in the meadows of green grieving for my life.
Ivan Turgenev
You may live a long while with some people and be on friendly terms with them and never speak openly with them from your soul.
Ivan Turgenev
No matter how often you knock at nature's door, she won't answer in words you can understand--for Nature is dumb. She'll vibrate and moan like a violin, but you mustn't expect a song.
Ivan Turgenev
I don't see why it's impossible to express everything that's on one's mind.
Ivan Turgenev
I only know that I feel tired, antiquated I feel as though I had been living a long, long time.
Ivan Turgenev
Whatever man prays for, he prays for a miracle. Every prayer reduces itself.
Ivan Turgenev
Youth eats all the sugared fancy cakes and regards them as its daily bread. But there'll come a time when you'll start asking just for a crust.
Ivan Turgenev
Belonging to oneself--the whole essence of life lies in that.
Ivan Turgenev
What's important is that twice two is four and all the rest's nonsense.
Ivan Turgenev
Even nightingales can’t be fed on fairy tales.
Ivan Turgenev
It was only the vulgarly mediocre that repelled her.
Ivan Turgenev
However passionate, sinning, and rebellious the heart hidden in the tomb, the flowers growing over it peep serenely at us with their innocent eyes they tell us not of eternal peace alone, of that great peace of indifferent nature: they tell us, too, of eternal reconciliation and of life without end.
Ivan Turgenev