Inspirational Quotes
The Dance of the Future will have to become again a high religious art as it was with the Greeks. For art which is not religious is not art, it is mere merchandise
Isadora Duncan
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Isadora Duncan
Age: 49 †
Born: 1878
Born: May 27
Died: 1927
Died: September 14
Ballet Dancer
San Francisco County
The Foolish Virgin
Aĭsedora Dunkan
Izadora Dënkan
A. Dunkan
Angela Duncan
Dora Angela Duncan
Angela Isadora Duncan
More quotes by Isadora Duncan
I have discovered the dance. I have discovered the art which has been lost for two thousand years
Isadora Duncan
I wonder how many parents realize that by the so-called education they are giving their children, they are only driving them into the commonplace, and depriving them of any chance of doing anything beautiful or original.
Isadora Duncan
I intend to work for this dance of the future. I do not know whether I have the necessary qualities I may have neither genius nor talent nor temperament. But I know that I have a Will and will and energy sometimes prove greater than either genius or talent or temperament.
Isadora Duncan
I have only danced my life. As a child I danced the spontaneous joy of growing things. As an adolescent, I danced with joy turning to apprehension of the first realisation of tragic undercurrents apprehension of the pitiless brutality and crushing progress of life.
Isadora Duncan
I see only the ideal. But no ideals have ever been fully successful on this earth.
Isadora Duncan
The first essential in writing about anything is that the writer should have no experience of the matter.
Isadora Duncan
Perhaps he was a bit different from other people, but what really sympathetic person is not a little mad?
Isadora Duncan
The wind? I am the wind. The sea and the moon? I am the sea and the moon. Tears, pain, love, bird-flights? I am all of them. I dance what I am. Sin, prayer, flight, the light that never was on land or sea? I dance what I am.
Isadora Duncan
I am seeking that dance which might be the divine expression of the human spirit through the medium of the body's movement.
Isadora Duncan
If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it
Isadora Duncan
The dancer of the future will be one whose body & soul have grown so harmoniously together that the natural language of the soul will have become the movement of the body.
Isadora Duncan
People don't live nowadays: they get about ten percent out of life.
Isadora Duncan
These people seemed so enwrapped in snobbishness and the glory of being rich that they had no art sense whatever.
Isadora Duncan
The butcher with his bloody apron incites bloodshed, murder. Why not? From cutting the throat of a young calf to cutting the throats of our brothers and sisters is but a step. While we ourselves are living graves of murdered animals, how can we expect any ideal conditions on the earth?
Isadora Duncan
Before I was born my mother was in great agony of spirit and in a tragic situation. She could take no food except iced oysters and champagne. If people ask me when I began to dance, I reply 'In my mother's womb, probably as a result of the oysters and Champagne.'
Isadora Duncan
Now I am going to reveal to you something which is very pure, a totally white thought. It is always in my heart it blooms at each of my steps... The Dance is love, it is only love, it alone, and that is enough... I, then, it is amorously that I dance: to poems, to music but now I would like to no longer dance to anything but the rhythm of my soul.
Isadora Duncan
Anybody can and should dance... It's good for the body and the spirit.
Isadora Duncan
What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print.
Isadora Duncan
I preach freedom of the mind through freedom of the body women, for example - out of the prison of corsets.
Isadora Duncan
All my lovers have been geniuses it's the one thing that I insist.
Isadora Duncan